EU mobility programs for summer 2024! – Municipality of Cuneo

EU mobility programs for summer 2024! – Municipality of Cuneo
EU mobility programs for summer 2024! – Municipality of Cuneo

School’s over and you still don’t know what to do this summer? Here are some opportunities we have selected for you!

· Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY): Promote cooperation in the field you are passionate about

The program Interregacronym for European Territorial Cooperation It is part of the European Union’s cohesion policy, a measure that aims to reduce disparities between European regions and provides support to each region to foster its development.

IVY volunteers, who must be in the 18-30 age group, promote and support cross-border cooperation by participating in a local development project, choosing the initiative that best suits their interests and personal skills. These are volunteer experiences that last 2 to 6 months during which volunteers receive financial support (from 18 to 32 euros depending on the country of destination), a contribution towards travel expenses and full insurance.

Thanks to this program you will be able to support Interreg communication through social media management, video production and event organization, with the aim of making the benefits of European cooperation more visible to everyone. Among the Interreg thematic areas from which you can choose a project you will find education, fight against climate change, research and innovation, sustainable mobility and much more.

· Erasmus+ exchanges in Italy and abroad for minors

Within the Erasmus+ program it is possible to find interesting opportunities for intercultural exchanges aimed at minors (14-17 years), in Italy and France. Here are some for which you can still send your application:

– The Breath of Change: from 6 to 20 July in Beaumotte-Aubertans in France. The activities will focus on encouraging the adoption of more eco-compatible behaviors and sharing community life;

– Gaming for digital safety awareness: from 9 to 18 July in Filaga (Palermo). The exchange aims to raise awareness of gamification, provide guidance on online behavior and raise participants’ awareness of digital security;

– Landscape design in Vaunières: from 9 to 21 August in Le Hameau de Vaunières, France. The activity focuses on landscape development and the restoration of a hiking trail.

· Youth exchanges – Youth Exchange

The Youth Exchange program involves the activation of exchanges between young people from different countries in which educational activities on a specific theme are carried out. To the exchanges, which have a duration that varies from 5 to 21 daysi. can participate young people aged between 13 and 30.

The proposed activities vary according to the program and can usually include workshops, debates, role-playing games, outdoor activitiesetc.

To participate you need to pay a fee minimum participation fee, all other expenses are covered. It is possible to register by contacting youth associations and promotional bodies.

· European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps is aimed at everyone young people between 17 and 30 years old who want to participate in volunteer projects (abroad or in their own country) that they have to objective is to help populations in difficulty.

Currently CES allows you to volunteer and participate in local solidarity projects and young people who wish to engage in such activities must register on the dedicated portal.

For the participants there are no costs. The European Commission funding covers return travel, food and accommodation, health insurance and a monthly pocket money that varies depending on the country of destination.

To discover all the opportunities in Europe and the rest of the world reserved for young people, visit European youth portal and explore initiatives to learn, work and volunteer.

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