Solidarity of the Rotary Club Brindisi: multiparametric monitor at Perrino – Pugliapress

Solidarity of the Rotary Club Brindisi: multiparametric monitor at Perrino – Pugliapress
Solidarity of the Rotary Club Brindisi: multiparametric monitor at Perrino – Pugliapress

The Rotary Club Brindisi Appia Antica donates a multiparametric monitor to the Perrino hospital, marking a new chapter in the collaboration between associations, bodies and institutions. A gesture which, in addition to strengthening the diagnostic capabilities of the Geriatrics department, confirms the importance of the solidarity contribution for local healthcare.

The delivery ceremony saw the participation of important institutional figures, including the general director of the ASL Maurizio De Nuccio, the health director Vincenzo Gigantelli, the director of the department Carmelo Zuccaro and the doctor Giovanni Argentieri. The former head physician Vito Carrieri and all the geriatrics healthcare staff could not be missing.

Present for the Rotary Club were Daniela Passaro, president of the Appia Antica Club, Franco Facecchia, future president, the governor of the Rotary district 2120 Vincenzo Sassanelli and the assistant Francesca Pennetta.

The donated monitor, as Daniela Passaro explained, was purchased thanks to the funds raised during the Christmas band concert in Mesagne, sponsored by the Municipality and supported by Centro Omega and AZ Costruzioni. This cutting-edge tool not only monitors heart activity, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiration and body temperature, but can be connected to other devices and includes a built-in battery making it easy to use in bed or during patient transport.

Daniele Paladini, clinical engineer of the ASL, illustrated the technical characteristics of the monitor: “It features visual and audible alarms to alert you to abnormal vital signs, with a medical record interface that facilitates continuous monitoring”.

General director De Nuccio underlined the importance of the donation, defining it as a tangible sign of synergy between different entities in favor of the most vulnerable people. Carmelo Zuccaro, for his part, thanked for the attention paid to the elderly, often at risk of marginalization.

Vincenzo Gigantelli then reiterated that “social weakness cannot become health weakness”. Underlining the importance of telemedicine and digitalisation, he highlighted how these innovations represent the future of healthcare, both in hospitals and in the local area.

Finally, Vincenzo Sassanelli highlighted the value of the gift and the need to continue to spread the culture of solidarity. “This donation is just a drop in the ocean of healthcare needs, but it is essential to show that together we can make a difference.”

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