Livorno, over 1400 students trained in first aid management – Livornopress

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June 18, 2024

LIVORNO, 18 June 2024 – Livorno, over 1400 students trained in first aid management

They were 650 BLS-D (Basic Life Support Defibrillation) certificates delivered to students of the 5th grade and some teachers of the schools of Livorno ITI Galilei, Liceo Vespucci-Colombo, Liceo Niccolini-Palli, for the ASSO project. (At Rescue School) achieved thanks to the collaboration between USL Tuscany North West company And Mercy of Livorno and aimed at recognizing cardiac arrest early, activating emergency services and implementing the first resuscitation maneuvers using the semi-automatic defibrillator.

During the school year that has just ended, the volunteer operators of the Misericordia have carried out meetings also in some classes of nursery schools and city comprehensive schools, meetings that were essential to spread the culture of “first aid” in order to prepare even the very young to better manage a possible emergency, while waiting for the arrival of 118/112.

In this way, in addition to the 650 young “BLS-D certified” high school students, there were approximately 800 additional pupils from the Cremoni, Maria Ausiliatrice, Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù, Bimbi Allegri and Mondolfi nursery schools, from the Thouar, Fattori primary schools , Modigliani, Bartolena and Villa Corridi and the IC Mazzini and IC Micheli-Bolognesi middle schools.

Luigi Franchini Director, UOS Education and Health Promotion southern Pisa and Livorno area explains:

“I want to thank the children and teachers who participated in the project with enthusiasm and commitment because I believe it is essential to spread the culture of safety starting from the young and very young to increase the fraction of the population capable of implementing appropriate first aid maneuvers and to ensure that a growing number of people are prepared to use the semi-automatic defibrillator and have acquired the basic skills to be able to carry out the main resuscitation manoeuvres.

A heartfelt thank you to Giulia Lenzini (Misericordia di Livorno) which coordinated the Misericordia volunteers specifically trained for the regional ASSO project. ; to the Health Education and Promotion nurse Federica Pracchia which involved the participating Livorno schools.”

Livorno, over 1400 students trained in first aid management

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