“Trading freedom of the press for support for the second mandate? Extremely serious”: the criticisms of M5s, Pd and Fnsi after the revelations from Politico

“Trading freedom of the press for support for the second mandate? Extremely serious”: the criticisms of M5s, Pd and Fnsi after the revelations from Politico
“Trading freedom of the press for support for the second mandate? Extremely serious”: the criticisms of M5s, Pd and Fnsi after the revelations from Politico

“The president of the EU Commission is ready to barter one of the fundamental values of the European Union – the freedom of the press, pillar of the rule of law – with remaining in power? If it were true it would be very serious“. 5 Star Movement, PD And National press federation they comment with heavy criticism on what was revealed by Politico.eu: Ursula von der Leyen would have decided to block the EU report on the rule of lawWhy criticizes Italy for the worsening of the conditions in which they find themselves a operate the media after the advent of Meloni government. The president of the European Commission, seeking a second mandate, according to several European officials, would have taken this path precisely so as not to alienate the support of the leader of the Brothers of Italy. The spokesperson of the EU executive, Eric Mamer, he rejects the accusations but does not deny them. And the controversy in Italy it grows.

“Second Politic the state of press freedom in Italy has become object of exchange for support for the next EU Commission. I hope that an urgent and credible denial arrives. And that the whole new European Parliament be alert to this risk“, writes the president of Fnsi on Vittorio Di Trapani. The member organizations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response who, last May, were in Italy to raise the alarm on the state of freedom of information in Italy: from Renate Schroeder from the European Federation of Journalists toBalkans Caucasus Transeuropa Observatory.

And in Italy the opposition front is also protesting. “The mere hypothesis of a cover-up of the European report critical of Giorgia Meloni on the freedom of the press front would be in itself very serious and intolerable“, says the president of the Rai supervisory commission Barbara Floridasenator of the 5 Star Movement: “Even more so – she adds – if everything really happened for the use and consumption of an Italian support to the re-election of Ursula Von Der Leyen”. “If it were true it would be very serious”, add the group leaders of the 5 Star Movement of the EU Political Commissions of the Chamber and Senate: the deputy Elisa Scutellà and the senator Pietro Lorefice. “Having covered up or postponed the condemnation of Italy for the worsening of press freedom under the Meloni government in exchange for his votes for re-election to the presidency – they continue – represents one political scandal of proportions such as put an end to Mrs Von der Leyen’s political career“.

Along the same lines, the newly elected MEP of the Democratic Party, Dario Nardellawho posts the article on X Politic: “If it were true it would really be one unprecedented gravity. We’re off to a good start…”, writes the mayor of Florence. This “clockwork block” is “very bad news”, underlines the other new European parliamentarian of the Democratic Party, Marcus Tarquinius. “If the blockade were confirmed – he continues – there would be the demonstration, after the case of the funds granted to Orbán’s Hungary despite clear violations of the rules of the rule of law, of a risky propensity of the current President of the Commission to turn a blind eye, and even both, based on political calculations even on issues that concern the pillars of the Union”. For the former director ofFuture “It is to be hoped that the news, revealed by rumours, will be denied by facts and that the Report will be definitively approved and published on the initially scheduled date: 3 July 2024”, adds Tarquinio. “Unfortunately – he highlights – the clarification received from the Commission according to which this date would only be ‘indicative’ seems to confirm it the line of the clockwork block until after the summer. A statement that is also ‘indicative’, in fact. Let’s hope not.”

The spokesperson of the EU executive tries to defuse the controversies but does not deny the reconstructions. The agenda of the European Commission is “indicative” and the report on the rule of law “has traditionally been published in July at various times of the month, even once in September. We do not comment on the work in progress, we will comment on the results once the dossier is ready,” said Eric Mamer, in response to the rumors published by Politico.eu. “We want the quality of the report to be impeccable“, he underlined, indicating that the document will therefore be presented “when the college of EU commissioners is able to adopt it”. When asked about the EU’s possible concern for the state of press freedom in Italy, the spokesperson highlighted that it is not up to him to make comments, reiterating that “the report on the rule of lawanalyzes different dimensions” and refers to last year’s report. “Our relationship is based on facts and that is what matters,” she added.

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