Naples, the Music Competition presented in the name of Giogiò Cutolo

Naples, the Music Competition presented in the name of Giogiò Cutolo
Naples, the Music Competition presented in the name of Giogiò Cutolo

Naples. In a region like Campania, where 45% of adolescents are reported to the judicial authorities, “it is a moral and political obligation for us, as an institution, to enhance cultural experiences that can lead our young people towards concrete examples of commitment and love for the beautiful.”

This was stated by the president of the Regional Council of Campania Gennaro Oliviero, at the press conference for the presentation of the second edition of the International Music Competition, promoted by the “La Fenice” association.

The event took place in the Nassiriya room of the Council, in the business center of Naples, in the presence of Giogio’s mother, Daniela Di Maggio, sitting next to president Oliviero and Katia Cerullo of “La Fenice”, promoter of the competition. “The beauty against the ugliness of violence must be an imperative for us,” continued Oliviero.

At the moment, registrations are open and the participants, in addition to the Italians, come from Wales, France, Germany, Tunisia, Belgium, Japan, China, Norway, Argentina, Chile, Australia, Ukraine, Croatia, Morocco, South Africa, California and one member will come from Miami.

A cultural movement born from the tragic event

“These initiatives and many others are a miracle, after the death of my son a cultural movement of rebellion was born that shocked everyone, even me,” said Daniela Di Maggio.

A small musical group was also born in Castel Volturno made up of children of various nationalities, among them many Africans, who wanted to call their group by the name of Giogio’. President Oliviero offered to donate them a horn, an instrument used by the young Giovanbattista and necessary to complete the instruments.

“I jealously preserve Giovanbattista’s last message – confessed Katia Cerullo – for me it was right to name this edition after him”. “The final aim will be to also create a commitment for children with autism,” declared the psychotherapist Enrica Cortile, present at the conference.

“Following autistic children with music and ensuring that music can become a job – concluded Cortile – is a further challenge that we want to face”.

The competition, meanwhile, is scheduled for 8 to 11 October in Palma Campania.

Long-time collaborator of Cronache della Campania
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