Attack at the Fano Center: here’s what happened

Fano, 17 June 2024 – Una lack of precedence at the crossroads, a road dispute like many others. But instead of ending with a honk it is degenerated in the blood.

He, after that blunder, he followed her in the car for a while, even hindering her on the way and she is the license plate markedthen telling everything at home. Son and partner They tied the woman to their finger and the next day, with a third man, they set out on the man’s trail.

What it was supposed to be a clarifying discussion in the parking lot of Fano Centre it then escalated into violence and he, the “follower” from the day before, found himself with one builder’s pencil stuck in the abdomen and was hospitalized at Torrette in Ancona reserved prognosis.

This is what emerged during the hearing to validate the arrest of the three attackers who last Friday became the protagonists of a Wild West scene and ended up in handcuffs for aggravated and premeditated personal injury. They were present in the courtroom and explained their version to the judge. The lawyer Francesca Paradisi who assists the three arrested excludes that the intent of the three was to physically assault the victim.

Whoever struck the blow is the woman’s sixty-year-old partner, a bricklayer from Piagge. They were there with him her son it’s a Algerian citizen, both in their thirties. “We will ask for a review – he comments -. There was no premeditation. The intent of my clients was only to ask for clarification and at the limit of get angry, but verbally. Then unfortunately the situation is transcended. They tracked down the offended person via the license plate of his vehicle parked at the Fano Center. There was no appointment scheduled. Yes. I am met by chance”.

According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the woman’s son, her partner and the third person would have gone to Bellocchi to verify the possible presence of the young man who, having actually tracked down, they then followed up to the Fano Center where he went to have lunch. Here, right in the parking lot adjacent to the mall’s food court, they have confronted the victimfirst verbally attacking her then hitting her with his bare hands and only later with that blow to the abdomen by the eldest of the group.

Before the meeting, however, the three moved on to buy a baseball bat and on their van, in the search carried out by Fano police officers shortly after the attack, there was also a knife. “They went on to purchase the baseball bat – comments the lawyer Paradisi -, in the event that they found themselves in a dangerous situation but they never got her out of the van. The pencil used, however, my client had in his trouser pocket, together with the tape measure.”

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