Reggio Calabria, a letter from a citizen of Reggio Calabria: “shame on the city!

A reader of StrettoWeb sent us a letter which we report in full on the latest events involving the mayor of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Falcomatà. Here is the text of the letter: “Dear Director, after reading the various articles regarding the investigations relating to Dr. Falcomatà I feel it is my duty to express my disappointment as a Reggio Calabrian. Given that I am a guarantor up to the 3rd degree of judgement, I must also note how our city has become the national “laughing stock” for the continuous and persistent damage of those who govern our beloved land”.

“It is truly surreal that in light of such arrogance and arrogance there are some individuals who believe they must move forward without the slightest scruple, without the shame of having to start again. Let me explain better: it would be a good and pious deed to resign, dear Mr Mayor, to clean up his sweet face, redo his quiff, and above all give life to a new Reggio spring in the name of change”.

“I say this for the good of everyone, of the people of Reggio, of the people of Reggio Emilia, of a derided population and also for the good of the mayor who can perhaps aspire to another seat. I read Daniele’s interview in which I totally agree with calling on the mayor to resign in order to avoid a possible dissolution and I find it paradoxical how the opposition does not make its loud voice heard in parliament, does not chain itself to the prefecture, does not make a harsh opposition with statements on the state of a city in disarray”.

“It’s hard to watch from 1200 km away the disintegration of our city, completely in disarray at the mercy of politicians in disarray. It is hard to witness the collapse of a city that is unable to rise again despite the latest data on tourism and future prospects. I hope, dear director, that the mayor can come to his senses and decide to resign for the good of an all too derided community and avoid the shame of a dissolution which would be the tombstone for our beloved land…land of Magna Graecia, of the bronzes, from the most beautiful kilometer in Italy, a land of sun, sea and mountains and above all of respectable and honest people”.

prefecture of reggio calabria
Falcomatà Palazzo San Giorgio and title of the newspaper

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