entrusted with the management of the kiosk bar and the equipped green area

entrusted with the management of the kiosk bar and the equipped green area
entrusted with the management of the kiosk bar and the equipped green area

Entrusted with the management of the green area and the kiosk bar inside the San Marco Park. The municipal administration has announced that the contract will be signed tomorrow, Tuesday 18 June. The entrusted company is Coco Bar srl. The news was given by councilor Ada Nasti, who reconstructed all the steps that concerned the assignment procedure, started by the Municipality of Latina with a managerial decision dated 21 April last year. “A complex procedure – commented councilor Nasti – involving a tender that was unsuccessful and a second that saw an initial outcome and subsequently a different response following preliminary investigation”.

In the initial procedure of April 2023 and in the subsequent public notice, expressions of interest from three economic operators were received within the established deadlines. “On 31 October 2023 – explains Nasti – the Offices notified the applicants of the letter of invitation for the presentation of the best offer for the assignment, to be presented no later than 30 November 2023. But on the same date no no offer was received, and therefore the procedure was abandoned”. The Municipality therefore activated a new procedure on 28 December 2023, which ended on 28 January with the acquisition of three offers from as many economic operators. “With the management decision of 8 March 2024 – the councilor further specified – the tender minutes were approved, acknowledging that the tender body proposed Ag Plant Srl as the provisional winner for having obtained the highest score. However, the competitor Coco Bar srl requested the activation of preliminary investigation assistance. This request was accepted on 25 March 2024 and the company took steps to integrate the missing documentation with a subsequent note dated 27 March 2024″.

At this point things changed: “The tender body sent another report and proposed that of Coco Bar Srl as the best offer. We therefore arrive at 14 April 2024, one year from the start of the procedure, with a new managerial determination of approval of the new report and subsequent determination of 23 May 2024 for the disposition, given the favorable outcome of the checks on the self-certification, of the award, immediately effective, to the company Coco Bar Srl which received the notification on 31 May 2024. Having verified the completeness of the documentation requested today – concluded Nasti – the contract is being signed which will take place tomorrow afternoon. To date, the area has been managed under a collaboration agreement for the opening and closing of the carousel area and the dog walking area”.

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