in Molise exceeded one hundred members

Blue relay of autism in Molise

MOLISE. The third edition of the Blue Relay for autism has just concluded in Molise.

Promoted by Angsa Nazionale (National Association of Autistic Parents) and sponsored by Anci (National Association of Italian Municipalities), the 2024 edition was one of the most beautiful organized by Angsa Molise.

The coordination of the regional Angsa organized the stage in Vastogirardi, precisely in the Montedimezzo State Nature Reserve, a UNESCO heritage site. The walk took place along the paths of the Mab reserve in the company of the animals to discover the history of the park. Around 40 children, teenagers and adults on the autistic spectrum accompanied by their families and many friends and supporters of the association. The number of participants far exceeded the 100 expected, much to the joy of the organisers. There are several associations in the province of Isernia and lower Molise which today shared this beautiful day with Angsa Molise and to which Angsa itself would like to thank them such as: A Light on the Darkness of Autism, Beyond the Blue and A Hand for Vita Onlus.

Special thanks go to Sae112 who, like every year, guaranteed the safety of the participants along the entire route. The work of the civilian staff of the Forestry Carabinieri coordinated by Lieutenant Colonel Gianluca Grossi was impeccable, accompanying the caravan along the path to discover the animals present within the reserve and guiding the participants on a visit to the reserve museum, describing them with extreme simplicity and professionalism the story and answering the many questions of the curious.

The president of Angsa Molise, Paolo Donnarumma, recalled the importance of these events so that awareness does not stop only on April 2nd, World Autism Day, but that it is extended to 365 days a year and for this reason they are welcomed these initiatives. Before departure, Angsa Molise wanted to thank all the associations present, including the Forest Carabinieri and Sae 112, with a pennant in memory of this beautiful day.

See you next year on new paths walking towards safe goals!

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise


Blue autism relay: more than one hundred members in Molise

Blue relay of autism: in Molise more than one hundred participants


Blue relay of autism: in Molise more than one hundred participants

Blue relay of autism: in Molise more than one hundred participants


Blue relay of autism: in Molise more than one hundred participants

Blue relay of autism: in Molise more than one hundred participants


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