Naples, signs of thaw with Di Lorenzo

Naples, 16 June 2024 – Social networks are usually a harbinger of problems between players and their respective teams, as also demonstrated by the fury between Instagram Of Victor Osimhen against the now former coach of his team Nigeriathe resigning Finish George: the same Naples, among other things, he knows the problem well with regard to his bomber jacket, no stranger to making ‘shoots’ on his personal profiles before perhaps repenting and deleting everything (too late). For once, however, the opposite happens: exactly Instagramthe photo and video social network, risks becoming the olive branch in the tormented relationship between Giovanni Di Lorenzo and the Neapolitan club. Tormented, yes, but decidedly less than a week ago: thanks above all to the three-way summit Mario Giuffredithe full-back’s agent, Giovanni Manna And Antonio Conte, with the latter continuing to reiterate its crucial position in his next, and first, blue chessboard. The position of the person concerned, always expressed through his agent, remains the same, but there are more openings for his permanence than expected.

Giovanni Di Lorenzo (Ansa)

The two glimmers of permanence

The first, in fact, was provided by the summit meeting, at the end of which Giuffredi had confirmed his client’s intention to change scenery, in the face of the opposite desire of the Naples and of With you, but leaving the door open to the most classic of ‘never say never in life’. In short, the famous everything and the opposite of everything, which especially in the summer becomes the cornerstone of the transfer market, the land where everything changes quickly by its own will, but not only that. In the case of By Lorenzothe decision to take into consideration the idea of ​​wearing the blue shirt again could also be the result of the total veto imposed by the Neapolitan club on the transfer of its captain to Juventus: veto curiously supported by With you, the former black and white flag who is starting to gain further credits in the eyes of his place by getting in the way of his past. It is difficult to establish how much was behind the move of the new coach Naples there is precisely this ‘passionate motive’ aimed at winning over even more a fan base already at his feet after a year of pure depression and disappointment and how much the motivation is purely technical, with By Lorenzo in fact still seen as a key man, on the pitch and in the locker room, of a team awaiting a hot summer and profound changes. An old quiz would have suggested the ’50/50′ answer, but the fact remains that in the meantime By Lorenzo and the Naples today they seem less distant despite the permanence of the first in Germany in the context of the adventure that has just begun Euro 2024. And here we return to the positive glimmers, the second of which is closely linked to the continental tournament and to the social networks that are often enemies of footballers and teams. It happens instead that the Naples publishes a ‘story’ aimed at dedicating to By Lorenzo best wishes for theEuropean and it happens that the full-back, as they say in the ad hoc jargon, responds. If even in the face of a large turnover of millions, football can still be compared to a love story, in a relationship, even more so if it is tormented, these would be signals to be interpreted in the best possible way: to paraphrase the title of a well-known movie, maybe there’s still tomorrow for By Lorenzo and the Naples.

Lukaku walks away

If the prices for the full-back’s stay go up, those for the arrival of him go down Romelu Lukaku, the dream striker of the new Italian coach. The ‘guilts’ are different. We start with the question Osimhen, today more talked about for his social utterances, just to stay on the topic of the day, than for his exploits on the green rectangle: just think of the zero breakdown in the rumor of offers arriving from the top European clubs, those that tempt the striker. A glimmer of light, the other theme of the day, is provided byArsenalwhich would bring the Nigerian straight into the much desired Premier League. The problem in this case becomes the Napleswho only asks for money to give up his number 9, possibly for an amount not far from the value of 120-130 million fixed by the termination clause, and not the inclusion of technical compensations proposed by the Gunners. You stay in Premier League to analyze the front Lukakuwhich cools when the Chelsea seems to close to another round of loan of his bomber, opening only to a permanent transfer: among other things for a non-trivial sum, 44 million. Perhaps too many for a player who is no longer very young and often tormented by physical problems just like him Osimhen. Actually, the same Naples he cannot afford too much reasoning at the entrance until he has a clear idea of ​​the Nigerian’s exit destiny: always assuming that in the end the much talked about exit actually materializes. One of the most sensational twists of the summer, after a winter that saw rivers of ink spilled in the opposite direction, would be the permanence of Osimhen to the Naples. Perhaps we could not speak of an epilogue due to romantic motivations, but rather of a marriage that continues for mutual convenience. To be honest, things aren’t exactly like that. It starts from Osimhenwho for some time now seems to have reached the end of his cycle in blue despite the fact that the number of goals scored remains at excellent levels and we reach the Napleswhich in the season lacks the Champions League and any other European competition risks not being able to afford a player with a salary of 10 million net, which in turn could slow down the rest of the market (including renewals). In short, for a wedding, the one between the Neapolitan club and By Lorenzowhich surprisingly could continue despite the recent stormy winds, there is another one, the one you see in Osimhen the first spouse, who, always surprisingly, could have the same epilogue, but with very different mutual moods.

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