former employees on a war footing, arrears are missing

VIGEVANO (PV) – Still tension between the 59 former employees of Moreschi Spa and the Vigevano footwear company. Workersfired last May as part of a company restructuring plan, have not yet received the first tranche of the arrears due to them, as per agreements signed in the Region.

“Either pay what you owe or we go to court” is the ultimatum launched by CGIL Pavia, which protects workers. The trade union organization has mandated its lawyer to contest Moreschi Spa’s failure to fulfill its obligations. According to the agreement, the company would have to pay all the monthly payments outstanding up to the date of dismissal by May 31stwhile the severance pay, supplementary funds, compensation for lack of notice and other items due will be paid in two tranches: 30% by 30 June and the remaining 70% on 14 July.

Safeguard clause activated

This is the second collective dismissal procedure in a few years for the Vigevano company. For this reason, the “safeguard clause”: if Moreschi does not respect even one of the scheduled payments, he will have to pay the entire amount at once.

The unions: “Pay now, no more postponements”

“Filctem Cgil contests in particular the continuous postponement by Moreschi Spa of conciliations within the union and the failure to pay wages accrued until April 2024” the trade unionists accuse. “The company violates the rights of the workers and the trade union parties who signed the agreement.”

Moreschi: “We are about to pay, there is a technical problem”

From Moreschi Spa they defend themselves: “The company is awaiting the finalization of the individual agreements, the signature of which has been postponed due to technical issues. We will therefore pay the amount due as soon as possible.”. The signature in question concerns mandatory conciliation, a procedure aimed at finding a consensual agreement between the parties.

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