The “mind” of the Livorno model. «Luca mayor, a winning idea» Il Tirreno

The “mind” of the Livorno model. «Luca mayor, a winning idea» Il Tirreno
The “mind” of the Livorno model. «Luca mayor, a winning idea» Il Tirreno

Who knows if the slogan chosen for the latest electoral campaign, “Side by side”, isn’t also a little autobiographical. Because it is enough to look at Luca Salvetti’s public photos to discover that he is always there next to the mayor, almost never in front, but always at his side. Precisely. For five years Alessio Ciampini has been Salvetti’s spin doctor, ideologue of the Livorno model “together with the late Giorgio Kutufà”, capable of realizing in 2018 that it was necessary to change the system, otherwise the big party – of which Ciampini is a member enough to be in the assembly national – risked another scoundrel (heavy defeat ed) after that of five years earlier. The 40-year-old, with a classical diploma and degree in Pisa, Lorenzini’s manager, rejoices in the victory today and looks ahead.

Let’s start from when you called Salvetti while he was at the Sanremo Festival to propose his candidacy?

“To tell the truth, we should have started a few months before, when the idea was born.”

Tell us.

«In June 2018 during a debate in which all the centre-left forces participated: Pd, Paolo Bruciati, then for Buongiorno Livorno and Andrea Raspanti who would later found Futuro».

What was the goal?

«Expanding the breakfast, a first attempt at dialogue in the center-left where we understand that the formula that could represent something new for the Livorno left was to flood the perimeter by focusing on civility».

Who takes the first step?

«The Democratic Party, when in the following February, signed a document in which it changed its political line: no to the new hospital in Montenero (which had led to the defeat five years earlier ed) and the overcoming of the incinerator. In this plan, a federator was needed to keep the progressive forces of the left together.”

And Luca Salvetti mayor is born?

«We thought of a civic personality who could have the right characteristics to gather greater consensus outside the party, the novelty was in the person who could represent more than the sum of the parties».

Why Salvetti himself?

«Due to his history and characteristics he could speak to the left of the Democratic Party and to the moderates. He’s not an extremist. She is also a person in love with the city. In fact he was immediately defined as the mayor next door: he responds to everyone, reaches everyone and always has a smile for everyone. The slogan “Side by side” is the declination of his popular style in the double sense: of popularity but also of someone who gets his hands into problems.”

But wasn’t focusing on a person who had never been involved in active politics a risk given how it had ended five years earlier?

«It could have been, but the Democratic Party first and foremost, and the coalition forces, could bridge this risk and balance it. Let’s remember that there is a team that governs. And the administration is made up of many personalities and professionals. The mayor is not alone in charge. And the team was rewarded.”

June 2019, June 2024. Piazza Grande. There are two practically identical photos. Salvetti in front rejoices and she takes a step back. The only difference is that five years ago it was night because the counting took place after the ballot and last Monday it happened during the day.

«I have the two photos in mind»

It doesn’t bother her to always be one step behind?

«Not at all, Luca’s role is the most difficult and then I have great respect for what he does. This is why taking a step back isn’t tiring. I don’t need protagonism, giving interviews or dictating the political line. I and the entire working group that is with Luca are in support.”

Was it complicated?

«No, because one of his strengths is that he listens. You have a way of working that involves both the staff and the council.”

Let’s go back to the last election campaign, when you realized that you could win in the first round?

«Something special has happened in the last three weeks. When we went around it was continuous, people stopped us: “Go Luca”. Every day people came into the electoral committee and were looking for Luca. And they were not politicized subjects. But ordinary people. We looked at each other and said: “We can win in the first round.” Those signals were the beginning of the wave that led Salvetti to re-election. Someone criticized, obviously, but they too expected answers from Luca, not from others.”

Tell us the truth: you had a survey and you didn’t say it?

«No poll. I would tell him.”

At least you celebrated?

“We still have to celebrate, we are organizing dinner with the whole coalition.”

Who pays?

“Every man for himself, of course.”

Does it raise any curiosity for us?

“I try”.

How many times did you talk to Salvetti per day?

«I don’t know how to quantify them (laughs ed), let’s say several hours a day.”

What is the name of the election campaign chat??

«Salvetti 2024, it’s not very original».

Could it be the only one?

«They don’t reveal all the secrets of victory. Let’s say there were about twenty. Videos, events, coalition, logistics, administration. And then those of the individual lists.”

She was in all of them?

«In those where it was necessary for me to be».

She has a private life?

«Yes, I have a partner with whom I have lived for six years».

Difficult to manage everything?

«We know how to separate chaotic days from moments for us. In the evening I always tried to disconnect. And I tried to organize myself with Luca’s commitments: when he was off, I was off.”

Never messed up?

«Only once, for my 40th birthday, they were on the days of the dinner at Bagni Fiume. I organized everything and went to Manchester for 36 hours.”

Can you tell us an advantage and a flaw of the mayor?

«The quality of listening to everyone and managing to materialize the answers. A flaw that throws itself headlong into things. And it comes across as impulsive.”

As the person concerned would say, he puts a smile on his face?

«Exactly, but that’s also the beauty of it».

In your opinion, where did the centre-left candidate’s rivals go wrong??

«They personalized the electoral campaign against Salvetti too much, trying to denigrate him without proposing an alternative city. By also attacking him with the history of the profession of journalist, they made him more likeable and did not weaken him.”

What advice do you feel you can give to the mayor for the next five years?

«To move forward with the projects started: hospital, Darsena Europa, overpass. In short, designing the city without stopping.”

There are those who say that the mayor’s only idea to date has been to institutionalize the riot with the longest summer in the world.

«Livorno is more alive, full of events of all kinds. We have to look at the whole. It’s a good start, but it will take years to provide an integrated tourist offer.”

Every time we talk about her as a possible councilor. What will he do when he grows up?

«What I’m doing, I’m a manager who deals with safety, personnel and union relations. Politics is that part of drone and passion that I do as a volunteer.”

In five years, a civic candidate or will we return to a party exponent?

«The answer is the same as the question: we can choose. There is no pre-packaged recipe, in five years many dynamics change, the parties, the people change, surely the viaticum will be to be serious and incisive as we have been in the last five. If you have governed well, the new one starts from a solid foundation.”

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