Letter to Fano Calcio. The Municipality raises cash: “44 thousand euros missing”

Letter to Fano Calcio. The Municipality raises cash: “44 thousand euros missing”
Letter to Fano Calcio. The Municipality raises cash: “44 thousand euros missing”

by Tiziana Petrelli

After the latest protests by fans over the management of the club, which also ended up live nationally on Sky Sport channels, Salvatore Guida’s Alma Juventus Fano is once again under attack. This time it is the Municipality that knocks on the door of the Mancini Stadium demanding the immediate payment of approximately 11 thousand euros of water and 33 thousand euros of Tari. In fact, the morning after the elections, the director of the Sports Office Pietro Celani sent a formal warning to the Fano Calcio club urging it to fulfill the contractual duties relating to the management of the Mancini Stadium (pruning trees, restoring the ruinous parts of the crust of walls partially detached in the property bordering the sports facility in via Lelli and the forced payment of utilities), otherwise “given the serious breach and without adequate corporate guarantees, the Municipality of Fano reserves the right to evaluate whether to grant the Stadium for the future municipal to the Society”.

The new concession, writes Celani, “is in any case subordinated to the payment of the outstanding amounts relating to water and to the installment plan of the other debts towards the Municipality of Fano”. The timing is curious. However, no one in the Municipality intends to explain this. “I didn’t send the certified email but the manager. I lost my position as councilor the day after the elections” says Brunori, throwing the question back to the manager Celani, who however does not reply. In this regard, President Guida is ready to respond by removing stones from his shoes, not at all surprised by the method.

“The Municipality has distanced itself from a previous situation, but this in no way affects the building permit – reports Guida -. It is simply the communication, timed by the outgoing administration, that there is a Tari outstanding since 2017, of which no I was aware. We will take action in the time and manner with the collection group. Luckily that administration has left because in recent months, not only Brunori and Seri, but everyone has not been ready to speak, or rather, they have not had any interest. to talk to the president of the club of the only city team. They didn’t care about sports policies and consequently I felt abandoned in the new referee mayor, a person who has already shown himself to be much more present than those who don’t today there is more. By thanking those who informed this company of a situation of which they were not aware, we will act immediately so that in the future we will not embarrass either my company or the administration.”

Meanwhile, Guida is preparing for the relaunch of Alma Juventus Fano/Fano Calcio which undoubtedly needs renewal, starting with the support of the fans and sponsors. “As you will have read from the social channels we will have our youth sector and from Thursday the secretariat will be open to provide clarifications to families. A youth sector that will embrace the national Under 19 up to the chicks category”.

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