Full beaches on the first sunny weekend – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

Full beaches on the first sunny weekend – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina
Full beaches on the first sunny weekend – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – Beaches taken by storm in the first weekend of sun and heat. From the north to the south of the Marche the coast has once again become dotted with colorful umbrellas and deckchairs which give the sense of the start of summer. And speaking with beach operators the picture is confirmed.

«There is a full house – says Romano Montagnoli, president of the Italian Seaside Union (SIB) – and tomorrow there will be even more turnout. Even though it is June we are recording a good turnout percentage, even higher than last year. The season has started.” In short, the start is good and under the best auspices, in the hope that the weather will provide a good season.

«Our job is very dependent on the weather – he explains – if it’s good it allows us to work», The hopes are also excellent for the months of July and August: «We’re not sold out yet – he continues – but almost, we always try to leave some availability to please tourists. We are satisfied with this project, even if the month of May and the first week of June did not take place due to bad weather. We are optimistic.”

Full sunbeds also on the Conero Riviera, where the first tourists are already registered. «It’s a beautiful Saturday – says Luca Paolillo, president of the Conero Riviera Lifeguards Association – it’s a little windy and not yet very hot, but otherwise it’s fine». The wind from the south keeps the weather cool between Numana and Sirolo, but a heat wave is expected from next week.

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