Pesaro, couple accused of revenge porn: blackmail with hard videos

Pesaro, couple accused of revenge porn: blackmail with hard videos. There is never an end to scams and every day, those who commit them invent new stratagems. All this always affects the weakest and their families. There are many types of scams and with different operating methods. What is certain is that they are all aimed at a single objective: to deprive others of their goods and their money. Let’s see what happened to a 67 year old from Pesaro:

In Pesaro, a 67-year-old seems to have been duped. It seems that he met a woman who offered him sexual intercourse. The latter, however, would have been filmed by the woman’s partner. The ultimate aim would have been, in fact, to periodically get money from the 67-year-old to prevent the video from starting to circulate. Here are all the details relating to the story:

Pesaro, couple accused of revenge porn: below are all the details on the incident

According to the first reconstructions of the case, the Flying Squad of the city of Pesaro would have been dealing with a case of a sexual nature. In particular, there would be talk of a complaint regarding blackmail of a sexual nature.

Based on the information found, it seems that a man of around 67 years old was deceived by a woman inside a supermarket. Inside the business itself, the 67-year-old appears to have been blackmailed to prevent a prejudicial video from being released.

Apparently, the affair began with a simple conversation between the man in question and a woman. She then convinced him to take part in an encounter for sexual purposes. Without being aware of it, the relationship appears to have been resumed by the woman’s boyfriend. The aim would have been, precisely, to blackmail the man.

Subsequently, her boyfriend allegedly began to blackmail the man into forwarding the video to his family. Behind this blackmail, the 67-year-old appears to have been forced to make monetary payments in their favor to avoid the worst. The situation, however, would have become unbearable and the gentleman would have turned to the competent authorities.

Therefore, the Pesaro Flying Squad would have started a more in-depth investigation into the case. Through it, they would have managed to gather enough evidence to frame the couple. It seems an operation was organized aimed at catching the two in the act of their crime. In fact, during yet another “payment” by the 67-year-old in their favor, the two were arrested.

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