Every year 84 billion euros are evaded in Italy: Trentino is the province most faithful to taxation – News

Every year 84 billion euros are evaded in Italy: Trentino is the province most faithful to taxation – News
Every year 84 billion euros are evaded in Italy: Trentino is the province most faithful to taxation – News

TRENT. The territories most loyal to the tax authorities are the Province of Trento with an estimated tax evasion of 8.6 percent, Lombardy with 8 percent and the Province of Bolzano with 7.7 percent. The national average is 11.2 percent. The data is contained in an analysis of Cgia of Mestre.

“Our Financial Administration – we read in the document – ​​has 190 databases digitally connected to each other. They are archives that collect an incredible amount of tax information which, if appropriately cross-referenced, could determine with great precision the tax loyalty of each of the 43.3 million Italian taxpayers. Just as an example, our tax department stores 2.4 billion electronic invoices and 1.3 billion pieces of income and bonus information used byRevenue Agency to prepare the pre-compiled declarations”.

“Well, if the Tax Administration has such a detailed tax registry, it shouldn’t be at all difficult to identify those who don’t pay taxes. How come, however, the economic dimension of tax evasion in Italy still remains very high and amounts to approx 84 billion euros per year? A question, the one posed by the CGIA Research Office, which, obviously, has the flavor of provocation, but only up to a certain point. If, in fact, the tax authorities have 190 potential tax bills for each taxpayer which, when put together, allow for a precise snapshot of the earning capacity, consumption and level of wealth of every Italian, it should not be very difficult to track down those who do not pay”.

And again: “In short, nothing should escape the mesh of our tax system. On one condition, that the operation does not take place outside the “legal” circuits. Otherwise, it seems, there is no valid database: the tax evader has an excellent chance of remaining unpunished. In fact, if every year the people of tax evaders steal almost 84 billion euros from the tax authorities and our Financial Administration manages to recover only about twenty of them, it means that, probably, we know everything or almost everything about who is known to the tax authorities, while we are groping in the dark towards those who are not, with the result that evasion remains very high, penalizing beyond measure those who pay taxes down to the last cent”.

“Let’s be clear: these databases do not have the sole objective of allowing the Financial Administration to combat fiscal infidelity more incisively. They are tools that also serve to develop very complex economic and statistical analyses, estimating the effects of ongoing fiscal policies in a scenario characterized by increasingly interconnected phenomena. However, if tax evasion is one of the country’s main problems, it is clear that these tools should constitute the essential toolbox to build a fairer and more equitable tax system”.

Evasion is 83.6 billion, equal to 11%. But in the South it rises to 16.5%

“According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance – continues the CGIA – tax and social security contributions evasion in Italy is 83.6 billion euros. If in absolute terms the lost revenue affects the most populated regions which are also those where the concentration of economic activities is greatest – such as Lombardy with 13.6 billion euros of lost revenue, Lazio with 9.1, Campania with 7 .8 and Veneto with 6.5 – in percentage terms, obtained thanks to the ratio between the amount evaded for every 100 euros of tax revenue collected, it emerges, however, that the propensity for evasion mainly affects the regions of Southern Italy. In fact, in Calabria it is at 18.4 percent, in Campania at 17.2, in Puglia at 16.8 and in Sicily at 16.5. On the other hand, the territories most faithful to taxation are the Autonomous Province of Trento with an estimated evasion of 8.6 percent, Lombardy with 8 percent and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano with 7.7 percent . The national average is 11.2 percent”.

The highest number of Irpef taxpayers in Rome. Followed by Milan, Turin and Naples

In overall terms, Italy has 43.3 million taxpayers of which just over 42 million are natural persons (subject to Irpef plus self-employed workers on a flat rate regime) and 1.3 million are legal persons. Among the 107 Italian provinces monitored by the CGIA, Rome has the highest number of Irpef taxpayers: 2.9 million people of which 1.7 million are employees, 904 thousand pensioners and 64,300 subjects with income from participation. Followed by Milan with 2.4 million, Turin and Naples both with 1.6, Brescia with 927,100, Bari with 828,500, Bergamo with almost 823 thousand and Bologna with 796,700.

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