Miracle in the Latina kennel, a family who wanted a dog adopts three: Rocky, Pallino and Elsa

Miracle in the Latina kennel, a family who wanted a dog adopts three: Rocky, Pallino and Elsa
Miracle in the Latina kennel, a family who wanted a dog adopts three: Rocky, Pallino and Elsa

“A fairy tale with a happy ending: three dogs, a family and a big heart!”. The post that the Amici del Cane di Latina association publishes on social media telling of a special family and a record adoption is full of happiness. It all began during the open day of the shelter in the Lazio city: many people showed up to meet the furry friends, many intending to choose one. But there are those who have gone much further: a family undecided between two fur babies decided to take three of them.

“A visiting family, initially undecided between two of our fur babies, couldn’t resist the special bond that united one of them to a third dog – we read in a post from the association – . And so, in a triple wagging of joy, the beautiful Rocky, Pallino and Elsa have left the kennel to start their new life together. Lots of love, sweet boys and a heartfelt thank you to this wonderful family.”

Il Messaggero Latina reports that Daniele Mercuri, together with his wife Barbara and their children Angelo, Davide and Noah during the open day were struck by a mixed breed with blue eyes who later learned that he was considered “problematic” and was therefore taken back to the kennel because too lively. That dog, about six months old, was in a box with another black dog and the two are inseparable. And so they decided to get them both, but they didn’t stop there: since they had come to the shelter with the idea of ​​getting a female dog and they decided to get one that had caught their attention.

And so the association then shared photos of the touching moment in which the “big-hearted” family left by car with their three dogs towards their house in the countryside where they will all be able to share wonderful days together: “It was too beautiful and the departure of the big family is exciting, which is why we want to share the moment with you” write the volunteers, recalling that in twenty years only one other time has a record-breaking adoption like this happened.

There were many comments of satisfaction at the wonderful gesture of the Mercuri family: “You are a family show!! Seeing the looks of the dogs so happy is priceless…Pallino above all remained in my heart…very well done” writes Federica, while Patrizia she seems incredulous: “That is, they adopted all three together? May God always bless them for so much love.” And again Nadia: “A gesture like this smells of good, of love. An immense thank you to this wonderful family. I wish you a lot of happiness together” and Laura: “Pallino’s look says it all. Say hello to the aunts of the kennel happy to have been one of their guests but even happier to go home. God bless the whole family.”


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