#Comunali2024, M5S Tarquinia on Orte-Civitavecchia: “Our presence at the Public Debate is proof that we want the infrastructure completed!”

We receive from the 5 Star Movement Tarquinia and publish

Giulivi’s falsehoods against the M5S, contained in a recent article on the completion of the SS 675 Orte-Civitavecchia, certify once again, if any were needed, his inadequacy to administer the city. Between February and May, the Public Debate called by ANAS took place for the choice of the final route of the SS675 in which the M5S actively participated, unlike Giulivi who only made a fleeting appearance, because perhaps he was too busy “sabotaging ” the then administration of the Agricultural University.

The constant and active presence of the M5S in the works aimed at choosing the route, documented by the video recordings and the documents downloadable from the official Public Debate website, is unequivocal proof that the M5S Tarquinia wants the infrastructure to be completed, first of all for the safety of the Tarquinians who use it. Therefore, it is a gratuitous falsehood that the M5S would have opposed the completion of the work, and since the lives of people are involved, mostly commuters, Giulivi should be ashamed. The M5S Tarquinia firmly supports the sustainable development of the territory and recognizes the importance of the Orte-Civitavecchia also for the local economy. The SS675 also represents an opportunity to improve regional connectivity and encourage the development of Tuscia.

Our vision is based on an innovative approach to development centered on sustainability. The active participation of the M5S in the Public Debate also meant pointing out to Government Commissioner Eng. Coppola and ANAS that the State is indebted to this territory for the many easements imposed. Then the State owes Tarquinia additional attention so as not to compromise our environmental jewels and with them our tourism. All this was told to ANAS before the choice of the route and on this another lie from Giulivi slipped out: we made our proposals before and not after.

We will not limit ourselves to completing what is already underway, but will propose initiatives that respect the environment and are designed to improve the quality of life of our fellow citizens. Our political action will be aimed at creating excellent strategies that will bring concrete and lasting benefits for the territory.

We need more fairness in the political debate. We believe that the electoral campaign should focus on constructive proposals rather than denigrating attacks on opponents. Hoping that those in government fail is equivalent to hoping that Tarquinia fails, and this should not be anyone’s goal. We invite all participants in the political debate to focus on concrete and innovative solutions for the well-being of our community.


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