The “war” on handkerchiefs and condoms abandoned on the Latina seafront – Il Caffe

The “war” on handkerchiefs and condoms abandoned on the Latina seafront – Il Caffe
The “war” on handkerchiefs and condoms abandoned on the Latina seafront – Il Caffe

It’s okay to have sex, but not at the expense of the environment. This is the meaning of the signs that have been hanging on the seafront for some time Latin between Capoportiere and Rio Martino.

Someone, evidently tired of finding used handkerchiefs and condoms thrown on the side of the road in the morning, or even worse, in the vegetation between the dunes, has seen fit to put up signs to draw the attention of couples who, looking for secluded places in which to have intercourse Caught in the heat of the moment, they don’t notice where they are and get rid of condoms and handkerchiefs by simply opening the window and throwing everything outside.

Certainly not a pretty sight for those who, the next day, go to the beach and encounter all kinds of rejection. Loving yourself is fine, but up to a certain point.

“After sexual intercourse, do not dirty the most beautiful seafront in Italy, respect the environment”, we read in the few surviving signs: yes, because while someone was removed almost on the same day, the others are still there to remind the lovers fiery not to forget to keep clean.

Read also: Latina “city of rationalism”: Casapound blitz on welcome signs

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