Campobasso towards the runoff. The center-right locks down elected representatives, a hypothesis of agreement between the center-left and civic leaders – isNews

Campobasso towards the runoff. The center-right locks down elected representatives, a hypothesis of agreement between the center-left and civic leaders – isNews
Campobasso towards the runoff. The center-right locks down elected representatives, a hypothesis of agreement between the center-left and civic leaders – isNews

Nine days before the second round of voting, the parties develop strategies to convince voters. Between ‘lame duck’ hypotheses and fears of quail jumping


CAMPOBASSO. Campobasso towards ballot, the center-left evaluates the hypothesis of allianceor in any case of the political-programmatic agreement with Pino Ruta and the civic construction site.

The the centre-right instead ‘locks down’ the most voted councilors and to avoid any hypothesis of quail jumping, or change of shirt, whatever you want, he makes them sign the ‘loyalty oath’. This is obviously a political commitment – ​​la The Constitution does not provide for mandate constraints, allowing elected officials the possibility of changing party and position during the ongoing legislature – which should be useful in case of ‘lame duck’. That is to say a majority not supported by numbers. In what proportion is still to be understood and will obviously depend on the result of the ballot.

Scenarios that emerge 9 days after the second round of voting, with the voters of Campobasso who Sunday 23 and Monday 24 June they will be asked to choose between Aldo De Benedittis, center-right mayoral candidate, e Marialuisa Fortecandidate for mayor of the progressive front.

A week or so of electoral campaign, in which the two competitors will try to play all the cards at their disposal to convince voters and beat their opponent. In the runoff, whoever gets the most votes wins and there is no need to exceed the fateful threshold of 50% of votes, which none of the three candidates passed in the first round, with Aldo De Benedittis who obtained 47.9% of consensus, against the 52.68% obtained from his lists, Marialuisa Forte who reached 32.16%, against the 32.39% of list votes, e Pino Ruta who got the 19.94%on the 14.93% of the total of its lists.

Leaving the numbers and returning to the strategies, the rumors speak of negotiations underway between the centre-left and the civic leaders of Pino Ruta, to assess whether the conditions for an agreement exist. Which should pass throughagreement on the government structure citizen to some programmatic points considered priorities, environmental issues, choices on the relaunch of the center and the protection of the districts, safety and school buildings. Topics expressed, obviously differently, in the various electoral programs. And which would now require a synthesis.

Any announcement, relationship yes or relationship no, is expected ad horas. While the center-right carries out its electoral campaign, addressing voters and appealing to the risk of a lame duck. Animal that inspires fear, evidently, like the quail of the famous jump.

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