“San Pellegrino in Festa, no presentation, we will meet directly in the square on June 21st”

Viterbo – Irene Temperini, president of the Pro loco, and Francesco Cerra, president of Tetrahedro: “We had thought about supporting the event also with the call for summer initiatives but to date there is no certainty about the contributions” – The event program

by Maurizia Marcoaldi

Viterbo – “We will not hold the press conference for the presentation of San Pellegrino in Festa. We will meet directly in the square on Friday 21 June at 3pm. Irene Temperini, president of the Pro loco of Viterbo, and Francesco Cerra, president of Tetredro Compagnia Teatrale, have arranged to meet for the event which will liven up the historic center of Viterbo on 21st – 22nd and 23rd June. In fact, there is little time left until the new edition of San Pellegrino in Festa and the programme, now defined, is full of initiatives and events. A program which, however, will not be presented with a press conference and the organizers explain why.

Viterbo – San Pellegrino in celebration – 2023 edition – From left Sara Pratali, Irene Temperini, Francesco Cerra, Vera Anelli, Rosanna Stoppani

“We made this decision because San Pellegrino in festa is an event born among the people and for the people – explains Irene Temperini -. A choral event supported by citizens who wanted to contribute to its realization. Many participated. There was fundamental support from Banca Lazio Nord, Fondazione Carivit, Confartigianato Imprese Viterbo, Tusciaweb, Carramusa Group, as well as various commercial activities in the center which contributed in various capacities, including those who offer us services, those who made the own accommodation facility, who owns his own restaurant. Our thanks go to all of them, because they believed in an idea right from the start and, with their contribution, they were able to enrich it”.

“We will therefore be in the streets among the people who supported us. Also because we were able to essentially count on the contribution of private individuals and on our own efforts. We had thought about supporting San Pellegrino in festa also through participation in the call for summer cultural and entertainment initiatives, but unfortunately to date nothing is still known about the existence of the notice – adds the president of the Pro loco -. And an answer will most likely arrive close to the event or immediately after. Too late to count on. The municipality has not given us any certainty of a contribution, except for the availability and collaboration, both human and institutional, of the deputy mayor Alfonso Antoniozzi. Without forgetting the concrete support from the municipal offices and the local police, which are and will always be fundamental for the operational part of the organization”.

Viterbo – San Pellegrino in celebration

Irene Temperini’s reference is to the public notice for the presentation of proposals relating to cultural and entertainment initiatives in 2024 for the capital and hamlets. With this announcement the municipal council intends to support the events in the period from 15 June to 15 September 2024. The announcement closed on 3 June, but to date the ranking of the financeable initiatives and the expected contribution have not yet been made known .

“To hold a joint press conference we would have had to wait for the outcome of the tender, which to date still does not exist. Not having the certainty of being among the financeable initiatives, we nevertheless moved and contacted the various artists despite not having the certainty of having won the tender. The outcome will most likely arrive close to the start of the festival and therefore due to these very long times we preferred to present the program without a press conference. The ribbon cutting will therefore take place directly in the square on the day of the inauguration”, explains Francesco Cerra.

A delay in the publication of the ranking, with related contributions, which could cause serious difficulties. But Irene Temperino and Francesco Cerra still did not lose heart. They continued on their way and in recent days presented a rich program for the three days of the event. Many events, including markets, concerts, shows and street artists.

Viterbo - San Pellegrino in celebration - 2023 edition

Viterbo – San Pellegrino in celebration – 2023 edition

“Everything is going well for the organization. We are already building the frames and then positioning them, on the ground or suspended, to frame the characteristic monuments and views of the city. In a few days the preparation of the main theme of the event will therefore begin – says Francesco Cerra -. I remember that people will be able to interact with the frames and take a photo with the beauty of the historic center as a backdrop. A contest will also be activated on Instagram to post the various shots using the hashtag #viterboincornice”.

“In addition to the frames, visitors will be able to admire suspended sheets, designed by the artist Giulia Apice – adds Irene Temperini -. This is the Cloride installation, curated in collaboration with Rosanna Stoppani. The sheets are deliberately hung to give shape to their material, in which light, transparency and lightness become an integral part of reading the work. Chloris is the goddess of flowers and this is the greeting to spring and the arrival of summer.”

“We start on June 21st with various initiatives designed to celebrate the festival of music, which occurs precisely on this date – concludes Irene Temperini -. Last year we placed a piano in Piazza San Lorenzo. This year the musical instrument will be in Piazza San Pellegrino and various pianists will take turns. From 3pm to 7pm the students of the Santa Rosa musical high school will perform and then Enzo Salerno from 7pm to 8pm. And in the evening, at 10pm, Massimiliano Pioppi and Erika Notarangelo will give away notes and poetry with a concert. This will be the celebration of the International Music Day.”

The appointment with San Pellegrino in Festa is therefore for 21-22-23 June. “We will meet directly in Piazza San Carluccio – conclude the organizers. Friday 21 June at 3pm. There will be three days full of initiatives. A street event, among the people and for the people.”

Maurizia Marcoaldi

21/22/23 JUNE 24

historic center – Viterbo

Audio/visual installations

“5 BLOCKS” – of Pigreko – former church of San Salvatore dei Molinari.

Piazza San Carluccio

Artistic installation

“CHLORIS” by Giulia Apice edited by R. Stoppani – San Pellegrino district


3pm/midnight – PIANO IN THE SQUARE – Piazza San Pellegrino

3/7pm Santa Rosa pianist school – 7/8pm E. Salerno

7pm – ART BALLET STUDIOperformance by AB CREW, the kids from the Hip Hop and Breaking course of the Dance school

– Piazza San Carluccio

8pm – DUODE musical entertainment with aperitif/dinner

info and reservations 392 5408311 – Centro Eta Beta and Il papavero, via san Pellegrino, 49

10pm – STARDUST – Piazza San Pellegrino

  1. Notarangelo voice
  2. Poplars, piano and voice


11.30 am – “MARIO vs CAPTAIN A” of Circomare Teatro, show for children – Piazza San Carluccio

4pm – THE FAIRYTALE GAME – Piazza San Carluccio courtyard

by the Ass. Eta Beta and the Tetrahedron company

max 30 children – with snack – info and reservations 392 5408311

5pm – THE CIRCUS IN A SUITCASE by and with G. Capone – piazza san Carluccio

6pm – “THE GREAT PARADE”Tetrahedron, street band, street artists – Itinerant

6/8pm – THE BEAUTY OF FLOWERS: FROM SYMBOLS TO WORK OF ART, floral artistic workshop – curated by Il Giardino di Filippo, Agriland – piazza san Carluccio – for children > 5 years – info and reservations 3475061061 whatsapp

7pm – ONE VOICE POP GOSPEL CHOIR – Piazza San Pellegrino

9pm – FLAMENCA FANTASY – Piazza San Carluccio

9.30 pm – RALPH TAYLOR – At Settantasette, via San Pellegrino


11 o’clock – FAITH Federica Sciamanna, ancestral songs – piazza san Pellegrino

11.30 am – “FAIRYTALE WORLD” Ygramul Theater – Piazza San Carluccio

12.00 pm – SEA TRIO – bar at Lucio’s

  1. Vitroni drums, E. Mianulli double bass, S. Angeli piano

3.30 pm – FLAG WAVERS AND MUSICS – Ass. Cult. Pillar – itinerant

5pmDANCE YOUR CLOWN” final workshop performance curated by G. Capone – piazza san Carluccio


A hymn to joy and fun, dedicated to colours, friendship and love

Max 60 participants (from 5 to 90) info 392 5408311 Whatsapp

Centro Eta Beta and the poppy, via San Pellegrino 49

6pmTHE INVISIBLES OF SAN ZENO” by A. Maurizi, book presentation – piazza san Carluccio

7pm – COSTA VOLPARA – C. Pizzati, classical guitar, voice, harmonica, percussion – AG Buduano, voice, flutes – D. Magalotti, bouzouky. Piazza San Carluccio



“THE MULTIPLE COLORS OF THE THEATER” ASS. Eta Beta ODV – Piazza San Carluccio courtyard

“THE WALKER” Villa Rosa nursing home – Piazza Scacciaricci

“THE WORKSHOP OF IDEAS” Day center Il Faro soc. coop. Fraternitas Orte – Piazza San Pellegrino

“#SELFIEINHEST” edited by the PD councilors – Piazza San Pellegrino,


CRAFT MARKET Piazza San Carluccio

VINTAGE MARKET Zaffera courtyard

June 15, 2024

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