Fiumicino, “sport village” of discord: opposition-majority back and forth

Fiumicino, 14 June 2024 – Fiumicino is preparing for inaugurate the Beach Summer 2024 Sports Village: everything is ready but there is no shortage of controversy about it. The ones expressing doubts are the opposition councillors who state “The news of the inauguration of the Beach Estate 2024 Sports Village at the Lungomare della Salute in Fiumicino leaves us somewhat perplexed and doubtful, in particular on what concerns the creation and approval process of the entire event”. Statements to which the Sports Councilor’s response did not take long Federica Poggio who provided clarifications in this regard underlining the “difference between this event and that of past years“.

“This sports village – the councilors underlined – is certainly nothing new in the panorama of summer events promoted in Fiumicino. Precisely in 2022 the Asd Club Italia Eventi Association itself, on the recommendation of the then Sports Department, organized the same initiative, at the same location on the Lungomare della Salute. The only big difference is the fact that the administration led by us granted the sporting event an amount equal to €4,000.00while today it has been practically granted for a similar program of sporting and cultural events a contribution of €55,510.00 VAT included. As if that wasn’t enough, for the awarding of the sports village, we proceeded with a simple approval of a specific manager concerning the launch of a market survey aimed at carrying out the service of creating the sports village, through direct assignment pursuant to art. 50 of Legislative Decree 36/2023. In the text of the notice, reserved for economic operators and third sector entities registered with Mepa, published for a short term, permitted by law, the administration specified that since it was a preliminary market consultation, participation would not constitute proof of possession of the general requirements for the award, defining everything as a mere exploratory act without constraints for the City of Fiumicino”.

“The one who participated, probably just by chance, was exclusively the ASD Club Italia Eventi which at this point was awarded, with determination to negotiate, the organization of the event, through the presentation of a preliminary project, – the opposition councilors further underline – at least from the documents being published, which only indicate the sporting initiatives that should take place for a month on the seafront, without particular technical or safety specifications necessary for the installation of these temporary structures and if the costs for water and electricity utilities are borne by the organization itself. There our Administration financed the creation of a single event with just €4000 while the entire organization of the sports arena, including the costs relating to the assembly, guardianship, maintenance and responsibility of the structures were totally borne by the aforementioned sports association, which proposed a calendar of events very similar to today’s, with documentable acts. We do not question the ability and competence of the Association responsible for the event but some doubts about the bureaucratic and administrative management of the entire organization are evident, as well as the fact that this administration led by Mayor Baccini is unable to create anything new, differing only in the amount of public money that is invested in such extemporaneous projects”.

The response of councilor Federica Poggio

They are two completely different events“: this is what Councilor Poggio replied regarding the doubts raised about the sports village, adding that “There was no waste city, for a simple reason: we are talking about two completely different events, which have nothing to do with each other with the other”.

Compared to two years ago, the arena will be active day and night, with a longer, more substantial and fascinating sports programme. There will be turrets, lights, two stages that will host artists and singers, a musical and entertainment proposal that two summers ago did not exist and had not been taken into consideration. There will be a big screen on which, among others, we will broadcast the matches of the Italian national team. Sky, partner of the initiative, will be there with national live broadcasts that will bring positive publicity to our territory.

Yes, I confirm, our event will cost more than councilor Calicchio’s 4 thousand euros. However, comparing them would be like comparing a Panda to an Alfa Romeo. Both excellent, both produced by the same parent company, but with obvious differences in performance and therefore costs. We should have first informed the association that is organizing the event on behalf of the administration. Because it is the same one that the former councilor involved. He should know her well.

This administration has been criticized for not having carried forward the ideas of the previous one. With the ‘sport village‘not only do we continue the path inaugurated two years ago, but we improve and elevate it. And, I underline it again, involving the same association that they had called. Better than this. Now it’s okay to criticize preemptively. The role of the opposition is fine. Before giving such a negative judgement, events should be seen.” it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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