Gioia Tauro, “Brigatist” online threats to politicians: a man from Trentino reported

Gioia Tauro, “Brigatist” online threats to politicians: a man from Trentino reported
Gioia Tauro, “Brigatist” online threats to politicians: a man from Trentino reported

The carabinieri have traced the author of the Red Brigades’ online death threats, he is a man from Trentino Alto Adige, he had targeted two local politicians.

GIOIA TAURO (REGGIO CALABRIA) – «The revolutionary army has promulgated a definitive death sentence», and again: «we know where you live, what you eat, what time you took the train» and also, «the death sentence will be carried out by part of the proletarian firing squad.” These are some of the comments that have appeared under some videos published on the “youtube” platform in recent months. Comments written and then deleted but the police managed to identify and report the author. This is an Italian man, resident in the Trentino-Alto Adige region. The man is reported for threats against those he considers “fascist diarchs”, two politicians from the province of Reggio Calabria.

It all started in the last months of last year, when worrying comments towards the two politicians appeared in some videos on YouTube. The same people, worried about their own safety, had turned to the Carabinieri. The soldiers of the Gioia Tauro station immediately took action to identify the possible perpetrators. Those who wrote the messages hid behind ambiguous nicknames visible on the social platform, which also included the acronym “KGB” in the name. In some comments, the signature “Br – Pcc” was added to the threats present, clearly attributable to the “Red Brigades, Fighting Communist Party” or that of the “Nnr” (New Red Brigades). This is particularly evocative of years which have seen the fall, even in more recent times, of some servants of the State.


The two victims are both politically active: one, in addition to her political commitment, also maintains a particularly popular YouTube channel. The fact that specific places were mentioned where the victims actually lived or had temporarily passed through led the investigators to absolutely not underestimate the content of the messages, immediately activating every investigative lead.
Subsequent investigations made it deemed appropriate to involve the Special Operational Group of the carabinieriwhich conducted all the necessary investigations, thanks to the very high specialization of its staff.
It was possible to identify “unequivocally – the Carabinieri write – the person behind the threatening comments”. The investigations carried out made it possible to exclude, with reasonable certainty, any connection with subversive environments, considering the gesture as an initiative of a single individual in the Trentino-Alto Adige region.
The proceedings of the man from Trentino for threats from the Red Brigades and addressed to the two politicians are still in the preliminary investigation phase and therefore the constitutional dictate prevails according to which the accused is not considered guilty until the final conviction.

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