“Too late to turn back?”, the road education project created by the prefecture and municipality of Ravenna presented in Rome

“Too late to turn back?”, the road education project created by the prefecture and municipality of Ravenna presented in Rome
“Too late to turn back?”, the road education project created by the prefecture and municipality of Ravenna presented in Rome

The initiative, illustrated to the Presidency of the Council, aims to raise awareness using the video game model

Five friends between 17 and 22 years old, an evening at the disco, 20 possible endings depending on the choices made: to drink or not to drink alcohol? To take drugs or not? Get behind the wheel safely or leave your life to chance?

This is the concept of “Too late to go back?”, the road safety education project created by the prefecture and municipality of Ravenna with the local police, financed by the department for anti-drug policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The results were presented today in Rome at the same department, in the presence of the prefect of Ravenna Castrese De Rosa, the councilor for legality of the municipality of Ravenna Igor Gallonetto, the commander of the local police Andrea Giacomini and a representation of the young protagonists of the short film, as well as the director and screenwriter.

Selected at a national level to raise young people’s awareness of the importance of driving in safe conditions and in compliance with the rules of the Highway Code, the project, online on the website of the same name www.tuttotardipertornarecontro.it, proposes a story inspired by the approach of video games, with which the user can interact, putting themselves in the shoes of the protagonist, choosing what ending they want to give.

A story told from different points of view, with different developments, junctions and endings, so that the spectator understands that everyone is the architect of their own destiny, and for this reason it is important, first of all, to “use your head”.

The project is characterized by an approach that aims to involve and empower rather than underline prohibitions, to prevent the use of drugs and alcohol, as underlined by two of the protagonists of the short films that make up this sort of video game, who first – they stated during the presentation – they were able to reflect on the concept of choice and how choices can impact the lives of each individual and others.

“These phenomena can only be addressed effectively if the direct language of young people is used, proposing projects like these, which are current and above all shared among those who have to implement them”, observed the prefect De Rosa. The head of the Anti-drug Policies department is along the same lines Paolo Molinari: “By saving young people, we save entire families and everyone’s future”, commented on the project, which involved five schools in the province, 500 students and was presented publicly on several occasions, during which they were distributed thousands of gadgets: 5000 single-use breathalyzers, 1500 USB sticks, 2000 adapters, 5000 “alcohol” brochures, as many on “drugs” and “on the road with your head”. Thanks to the project, which started last year and was financed with 382 million euro, 15 breathalyzers were also purchased, 13 of which were on free loan to local police, police headquarters, traffic police and Carabinieri.

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