Voice of Politics – 06/14/2024


The voice of Politics

New horizons for phytotherapy in Basilicata


Phytotherapy has been one of the points of reference for natural medicine for years. For some months Greenpharma Potenza and Accademia Tiberina have started integrated studies related to the subject in question and thanks to the presence and help of sector experts they are ready to start new methodological processes linked to the general improvement of health and well-being. Among the experts in the sector is Francesca Bosco, who has been studying and working in the world of phytotherapy for some time with the declared intention of lending a hand to the dynamics of the sector. Federica Bosco was born in Potenza on 27 March 1989, graduated in pharmacy, has carried out various scientific collaborations and worked in various pharmacies in Potenza. With the Lucanian scientific director, the analysis of phytotherapy was linked to various themes yet to be discovered. How are we in the field of phytotherapy in Basilicata? “Basilicata possesses enormous floristic wealth, with an innumerable variety of medicinal plants and herbs which could be a way to enhance and develop our Region from a health, tourism and cultivation point of view”. What is meant by phytotherapy? “Phytotherapy is now an integral part of medicine. Some define it as a non-conventional therapy because it has not yet been included in the teaching programs of medicine and surgery degree courses, while for the WHO it represents traditional medicine, the fact is that phytotherapy represents a non-negligible aspect of scientific medicine that allows to intervene in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, with medicinal plants and derivatives that are qualitatively controlled, as well as titrated and standardized in active ingredients. Phytotherapeutic remedies are certainly not to be proposed as an alternative to synthetic drugs but they can be advantageously associated with them, not by virtue of mysterious energies but of pharmacologically active chemical substances. The characterizing element of phytotherapy is the phytocomplex, i.e. the set of substances extracted from the vegetal drug, including the active ingredient: this characteristic distinguishes the vegetal drug from the synthetic drug, for a wider range of therapeutic activities and for a lower incidence of undesirable effects”. What are the prospects in this regard? “Phytotherapy has made enormous progress in recent years and has emerged from the narrow circle of followers to become an established form of treatment. However, all this was not followed by an adequate update in the training of doctors and pharmacists, who often find themselves having to deal with requests for phytotherapeutic remedies from patients, without possessing sufficient knowledge on the subject. If phytotherapeutics generally have greater tolerability and a lower risk of undesirable effects compared to synthetic drugs, this does not mean that they must be used with competence by the doctor and pharmacist: because in any case these are drugs, to be used in the correct indications, in appropriate doses and considering mutual interactions, the possibility of allergic phenomena, and side effects. Nor can we forget that there are also important plant remedies, such as belladonna, foxglove, reserpine and the toxic plants, jimsonweed, hemlock as well as essential oils which must be taken with extreme caution. In fact, phytotherapy is a complex discipline that requires adequate preparation. The Italian legislation, although it provides for the galenic prescription, classics the majority of preparations based on phytocomplexes as food supplements, which unfortunately favors the appropriate use of such an important resource”. To what extent can natural medicine be a starting point for giving new life to the sector? “I believe that for doctors and pharmacists today it is a right and duty to know the scientifically proven realities relating to phytotherapy, a subject rich in history and tradition, and at the same time new in that it is modulated by phytochemical and pharmacological research, it would be important to spread phytotherapy among medical students and doctors so as to be able to see the dedicated Operational Unit created in our company and in those operating in the sector, included among the services of the NHS, as already happens in the Tuscany Region, in my opinion it would be important to fill some shortcomings of pharmacists, not accustomed to using such phytotherapeutic remedies, underlining how it is possible to treat small pathologies, those that pharmacists are used to recognizing as disorders treatable with SOP and OTC drugs, using predominantly natural products, being careful, however, to use correct dosages”.


The Voice of Politics
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Voice-of-Politics-06142024.jpg06/14/2024 – New horizons for phytotherapy in Basilicata

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