Extra Benevento – The FIGC formalizes the exclusion of Ancona and opens the doors to Milan Under 23

Extra Benevento – The FIGC formalizes the exclusion of Ancona and opens the doors to Milan Under 23
Extra Benevento – The FIGC formalizes the exclusion of Ancona and opens the doors to Milan Under 23

The workforce has been ready since the end of June, we had made a commitment and we kept it”. The president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina thus welcomed the ratification in record time of the registrations for the 2024/2025 championships by the Federal Council. Only Ancona, which did not present any appeal, did not obtain the license for the Lega Pro championship.

There is great satisfaction in having secured the system – Gravina’s words at the press conference – it will be the first summer without appeals for admission to the championships. Never in the history of Italian football had the championships been fully staffed at the beginning of June with the exception of the void left by Ancona, which will be filled by 27 June (date of the next Federal Council, ed.). The fact of having no recourse reassures us and makes us proud of the great commitment made”.

To complete the only staffing vacancy, iThe Council has approved the criteria for the repechages which include a Second Team from the Serie A championship in first place, with the final date for submitting applications being June 25th.

If there were to be another Second Team – added the federal president – it would be a further source of pride, it would also be a sign of quality for the Lega Pro championship. In the space of two years we would go from one to three Second Teams”.

PROTECTION OF NURSERY. To the satisfaction of the success in the European Championship of the Under 17 national team, which comes less than a year after the European gold of the Under 19s and the world silver of the Under 20s, creating a true ‘Italy model’ , is counterbalanced by the concern for the academies, put to the test by the full entry into force from 1 July of the reform approved by the Government which provides for the release of all youth sector footballers. To protect companies that invest in youth sectors, the FIGC published an Official Statement on May 31st (n. 233/A) with new rules for the registration of young people, which has already been reported to the Antitrust Authority. As a consequence of this, President Gravina will formally ask at a Commission hearing in the Chamber of Deputies to remedy this serious damage to the federal system when converting Legislative Decree no. 71 of 2024 into law.

There is a lot of resentment from companies – explained Gravina – you can imagine the discomfort on the part of those who focus on large investments in the youth sectors. Just think of some of our best talents taken away by major European clubs”.

INFORMING PRINCIPLES AIA REGULATIONS. Inspired by the wider participation in the democratic process of the election of the president of the AIA and by the complete separation of the political bodies from the technical ones, a text shared following various discussions with the referee association representatives. The most important innovations concern the voting of the president of the AIA through the involvement of a maximum of 1000 delegates, elected outside the sections, the incompatibility between the technical and political roles, as well as the two-year duration of the technical positions.
Everything we asked for as a Federation – underlined Gravina – with the aim of decoupling the political part from the technical part, it was perfectly received. As well as the two-year assignment which will give stability to the Technical Commissions with a view to greater valorisation of the referees”.

CO.VI.SO.C. APPOINTMENTS. Having taken note of the resignations presented by four members of the Co.Vi.So.C., effective from 30 June 2024, the FIGC has published a call for the integration of the same Commission, receiving 73 expressions of interest. Having verified the existence of the basic requirements, training, experience and competence of the candidates, the Council proceeded to appoint Tommaso Miele (president), Roberto Benedetti, Chiara Grassi and Laura Santoro (members). The new members join Giuseppe Marini. In implementation of the Legislative Decree of 10 March 2023, the Federal Council has appointed Roberto Serrentino, Cristiano Fava and Giovanni Zoppi as members of the Whistleblowing Receiving Body.

WOMEN’S SERIES A. On the proposal of the Professional Women’s Serie A Division Assembly, the Council ratified the division into equal parts of the entire amount deriving from the sale of TV rights for the 2024/25 season among the participants in the championship.

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