Ancona, shock at the Peace park: «The stragglers do their business everywhere. More controls are needed” – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – Degradation, neglect and desperation at the Peace Park in via Ragusa, causing alarm among residents: «The other day, a man was defecating in the greenery». This is said by a young boy who lives in the buildings overlooking the park. According to what some residents report – who ask anonymity to have their privacy protected – «the situation has reached the limit. Scenes of degradation are now daily”, they thunder, asking for greater controls.

This is a situation that had already arisen and which we had already written about in August last year. But things seem approximately identical to a few months ago, with residents continuing to ask the Municipality for interventions and calling for a more frequent presence of the police.

READ ALSO: Ancona, a resident: «The Peace Park is a den of misfits. Do something” – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina – News and news from the Marche

«On Wednesday I came home and I overlooking from the balcony – says the boy – I saw that there was a foreigner who was defecating in the small park under my house. This is the courtyard that is under the Podesti schools, which they are now closed. That man was busy relieving himself near the entrance to the gate. A few meters away, I saw a Grandmother, an elderly lady, perhaps with her nephew. I don’t think it’s normal to see certain things.”

READ ALSO: Ancona, the Municipality’s interventions arrive at the Peace park in via Ragusa – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina – News and news from the Marche

The dirt behind the bushes at Peace Park

«In winter, Parco Margherita is for the students of the Elia elementary school in via Sebenico, but during the afternoon – continues the young man – it is open to the public, there are kids playing. I’ll tell you another – he reflects – Once I was getting out of the car after parking in front of the door and there was a gentleman (black) with a child followed by peeing behind a bush. I pointed it out to her and she told me that she felt like urinating: not knowing where to go, she did it there. These things bother me, in order to live in peace sometimes I keep quiet, also because you can find something to talk about these days. I don’t deny that there is something to be afraid of, but now it’s time to act Enough».

According to those who live in front of the park in via Ragusa, episodes of dealing: «At certain hours of the day, young people arrive and group together behind gods bushes very high. Some leave backpacks in the grass and there is no control, no municipal video surveillance system. If you call the police they will come by, take a look and then nothing. The checks – she says – are occasional. Instead, you need a patrolling periodical and the park must be kept well and running cared for. The caretaker opens it around 6am and closes it at 9pm, but the side nets are half broken and anyone can enter at any time. The day before yesterday, there was a dog attached to the rubbish bin. Immediately behind, a man. What is that person doing there? Who is he? A pusher?”.

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