The bad weather gives no respite to the Brescia area and damage is estimated at millions of euros

The bad weather doesn’t even spare Cellatica. The heavy rains of these hours, which fell with particular insistence on the Hinterland and in Franciacorta, caused flooding yesterday morning both in the Fantasina area and in an industrial area, creating inconvenience for residents and companies.

«In Fantasina we had to intervene to free a blocked drain and manhole cover which did not allow the water to flow correctly – declared the mayor, Marco Marini -. The industrial area was also invaded by water and in this case too we intervened to support the companies, and in both cases the situation is being resolved.”

The most affected area was via Badia, south of the town. Here the nearby convergence of three streams – the Vaila and La Canale from Gussago and Brione, and the Solda from the hills of Cellatica and Sant’Anna – was subjected to a massive flood wave which yesterday morning, around 10am, was not contained by the banks and led to the overflowing of the watercourse. The firefighters intervened on site, supported by the local police and the technical office of the Municipality of Cellatica. Since the morning the staff of the affected companies have been working to clean the mud from the basements and the areas where the machinery is kept.

In Gussago

We are working tirelessly also (and above all) in Gussago, where the commendable work of the Civil Protection – Gruppo Sentieri Gussago, and of the many volunteers, together with the Fire Brigade, is stemming the unstoppable force of the water which yesterday morning also invaded via Solda.

Casaglio is once again the one to suffer the worst damage from these flood episodes, with the La Canale torrent discharging more water along the streets. Certainly a far less dramatic episode than the one recorded on Sunday evening, when the torrent flooded with unprecedented violence. Now the weather seems to be able to provide a respite, which is essential to ensure that the water flows out and the waterways deflate, and to bring back a bit of normality to the inhabitants of these areas of the province, particularly battered by bad weather.

In Sarezzo

Between public and especially private damages we are talking about several million euros. The consequences of the rain fell during the night between 9 and 10 June in Sarezzo. To the point that the Municipality has activated the Emergency Sum procedure to be able to carry out basic safety measures for 280 thousand euros as soon as possible, asking the Region for a contribution to cover half of the expense.

Bad weather caused the flooding of some streams of the minor water network (Gombiera, Rii Zuccone, Grima Rotta and Noboli) and the consequent flooding of various streets: the most affected were Via Seradello, Cellini, Petrarca, della Fonte, Patrioti, Beccaria, Piazza Antonini, Via San Bernardino, Armieri and Via Fratelli Capponi.

The streets of water and mud ended up invading several private homes and various businesses. At first the firefighters and civil protection intervened. Then it was the turn of the new municipal administrators: the mayor Valentina Pedrali did not have time to settle in the Town Hall, as the day after her election she was already in the area to record the damage caused by the flooding.

At work

«We immediately took action with our Technical Office, that of the Region, the geologist and the staff of the Civil Protection of Sarezzo, of Lumezzane, the Sevac of Concesio and the provincial one – says Pedrali -. Together we carried out an inspection in the affected areas, namely those around the Gombiera stream and the Noboli stream, and the volunteers helped empty the flooded rooms”.

Then the Municipality invited private individuals to report the presence of any damage: around fifty homes and businesses. «It was necessary to issue an ordinance for the creation of two temporary storage areas for the storage of special waste, one in the Redaelli area and one in the former Calcestruzzi Saretina – explains Pedrali -. We will soon analyze them with a view to disposal.” The priority now is to make the slopes safe and clean the mountain streams and drains filled with debris due to the rains. In this unfortunate situation, however, a considerable chain of solidarity was activated: “When I was at Maflan – says the mayor – I found 40 people including several citizens intent on helping out with tidying up and cleaning up”.

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