Leaks and broken elevator due to mice

Leaks that have made a classroom unusable for months and the elevator out of order because the mice ate the cables. The case of the Monza school which we wrote about in the Giornale di Monza on newsstands on Tuesday 11 June also ended up on the benches of the Monza City Council last night, Thursday 13 June 2024.

The parents’ appeal

Despite a great success in teaching which made families satisfied, the school year at the Munari primary school in Monza did not go in the best way in terms of school maintenance.

The problem was also raised by the municipal councilor Sergio Visconti of MonzAttiva after the parents appealed to the Administration (and not only through the pages of the Giornale di Monza), but with continuous reports to the competent offices, so much so that on June 25th they will also received in the Municipality for updates. “Use the summer to resolve the school’s problems once and for all so that in September our children can find a renovated structure to welcome them,” they asked.

Classroom unusable due to infiltration

What created problems for one of the two first (future second) classes was the condition of the ceiling of the classroom located on the top floor of the institute in via Marche. «We started to suffer in November when, following the first rather intense rains, water began to drip on the desks – the mothers explained – Our children were then moved to the religious classroom or the IT classroom, continuing to emigrate. And thank goodness because all that humidity caused a bad smell and humidity in the classroom and it would have been unhealthy to stay there.”
The school management immediately acted promptly also in reporting. «We don’t blame the school, obviously, but the Municipality, which carried out plugging interventions which, however, never really resolved the infiltration. Maybe we need to work on the roof? We don’t know this, but if within a few months the problem regularly arises again with water dripping from the ceiling and pieces of plaster coming off, it means that nothing has really been resolved.”

Elevator out of order for months

It was also a Godot’s wait for the elevator, which suffered a fault that was not immediately repaired. «In November, due to an injury, a little girl was unable to go to class for a week because the lift that goes up from the gym to the classes wasn’t working – added the parents – The councilor told us that the operation is complex, that 10 thousand euros are needed and that the funds are being found. We are happy that you will receive us soon, hoping that the problems will also be resolved.”
What gave them hope for an intervention were the recent works to arrange school gardens carried out by the Pilotto Council in many schools. “It’s nice that the gardens have been tidied up, but the schools also have many other problems for which it would be good to intervene in the summer.”

The councilor’s promises

Even in the Chamber, as reiterated to the parents, the Councilor for Public Works Marco Lamperti said he was well aware of the problem. “We intervened on the problem of mice with rodent control. We have already carried out several interventions also to resolve the infiltrations, but a more complex approach is needed. We will use the summer weeks to intervene – he said – For the lift we need 15 thousand euros to repair it. Also that’s on the agenda.”

Even the gardens are in ruins

The children of Via Marche, moreover, are really unlucky even when it comes to outdoor spaces.
In the nearby public gardens, frequented by Munari’s children, for months parents have been reporting the breakage of a beautiful inclusive game that was donated years ago by the Monza Ponte dei Leoni Lions Club.
The Municipality should have guaranteed its maintenance over the years, yet the game has now been unusable for a year and the appeals of parents and the club’s representatives to the Municipality have always fallen on deaf ears. A grandfather also explains, dejectedly showing the fence put up by the local police: “We called them and they just put up a tape, we called them back and they fenced off the game, but the substance doesn’t change, when will it be repaired?”.

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