Cloudbursts on the coast between Anconetano and Fermano. «Hail as big as ping pong balls» – News Ascoli Piceno-Fermo – CentroPagina

Cloudbursts on the coast between Anconetano and Fermano. «Hail as big as ping pong balls» – News Ascoli Piceno-Fermo – CentroPagina
Cloudbursts on the coast between Anconetano and Fermano. «Hail as big as ping pong balls» – News Ascoli Piceno-Fermo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – Bad weather hit the Marche region in the early afternoon today where a weather warning for thunderstorms had been issued. An intense hailstorm hit the coast of Fermo and Macerata, between Civitanova Marche, Porto Sant’Elpidio, Porto San Giorgio and Fermo. Several calls to the fire brigade.

Talks about hail «as big as ping pong balls» the mayor of Civitanova Marche, Fabrizio Ciarapica: «I found myself in the middle of the hailstorm – he says -, I’ve never seen anything like it». Despite the intensity of the phenomenon, however, at the moment “there is no damage” linked to the bad weather, “we have carried out checks with the Municipality’s technicians and there are no problems, even the city’s sewerage system has held up”. In the Civitanova Alta area, a plant felled by the wind was reported.

The firefighters in Porto Sant’Elpidio

The area most affected appears to be that of Porto Sant’Elpidio, in the Fermo area, where at the moment there are already around forty interventions by the firefighters. Also on site, in support of the local teams, are three support teams, coming from Ancona, Ascoli Piceno and Macerata, for a total of 13 men involved in the ‘micro emergency’. The water bomb that hit the coast of Fermo also caused some flooding in some underpasses. Interventions also for water infiltrations.

A thick hailstorm, although less intense than on the coast further south, also hit Ancona, where the phenomenon was accompanied by gusts of wind. With the activation of the spillways, a ban on bathing began between Torrette and Falconara, in the area under the Cardeto Park and under the Passetto swimming pool.

«The phenomena have been waning since today’s evening – explains the regional civil protection meteorologist, Marco Lazzeri – tomorrow will be a sunny day and the weekend will also be characterized by satability. Temperatures are rising.”

As regards rainfall, the maximum rainfall peak was recorded in Recanati where 66 millimeters of water fell, of which 40 in just a quarter of an hour, 58 millimeters fell in Porto Recanati. Instead, in Porto Sant’Epidio the intense phenomenon was caused by the presence of a super storm cell, explains the meteorologist. We will have to wait until next week for the African anticyclone.

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