«I will bring the battles of Venice to Brussels but I will not run for mayor»

Ambassador of Venice to Brussels, Carolina Morace was elected to the European Parliament with 5 Star Movement. She ran as a candidate in the Lazio constituency – she has lived there since she was just eighteen and received over thirty thousand preferences – but she does not forget the requests of her Venice. «It is the heritage of the Venetians and the whole world, it should not be squeezed like a lemon with measures such as access fee“, He says. Former footballer, striker for the national team and football coach, today also a politician. Her mother is Venetian, her father Sicilian but she still is lives in the lagoon.

«Venice must be protected»

Born in 1964, to pursue her football dream Morace moved to 21 years old Romestudied law becoming lawyer. However, you attend schools in the historic center of Venice. Elementary school at Armando Diaz, middle school at Vivaldi, scientific high school Blessed and, only for a short period, the ability to Philosophy at Ca’ Foscari. «Venice is a fragile city that must be protected, I am thinking of the issues of the environment and ecological transition, but the most important thing is that is not treated like a museum in the open air”, clarifies the MEP. The intention is to discuss with those of the movement who are in the area, in order to be able to support their battles Brussels. «The city is under attack but it is the result of a trend. After all the Venetians voted for the wrong sidethinking perhaps more of personal advantages than of the good of the city understood as one’s home – he reflects – Venice needs more services for citizens. See that the houses are almost all b&b or tourist rentalsand the fact that there are very few inhabitants, makes an impression on me”, he confesses.

«The ticket makes the city a museum»

On the access fee wanted by the Brugnaro council to regulate the flows tourists the judgment leaves no doubts. «It is exactly the type of measure taken to make the city a museum and not to treat her like a jewel. It does not govern tourism and limits a whole series of travel possibilities even for most people young that they find themselves having to pay”, highlights Morace. Quote Felice Casson, a former magistrate defeated in the run-off by Luigi Brugnaro in the 2015 municipal elections, and a few stones are raised. «I know Casson personally but for him his story also speaks. Culturally understands Venicewould have been able to count on the free consultancy of architects of the caliber of Renzo Piano And Massimiliano Fuksas», he points out.

«I will not leave Brussels for another assignment»

In an interview given to Corriere del Veneto on the occasion of the election of Damiano Tommasi as mayor of Verona, he did not rule it out the possibility of applying first citizen of Venice. In a year and a half, Venetians will be called to the polls but his place in the European Parliament changes the cards on the table. «Despite the controversy over the candidatures that will not go to Brussels, I am a serious person, sport also taught me this. I received more than thirty thousand preferences to be able to sit in Europe, I will not leave this for another assignment», he clarifies. And speaking of his sporting CV, if there was the opportunity to coach fellow MEPs, why not. «Our role is to talk, to convince to make alliances and sport can be an important vehicle for building relationships – notes Morace – Given the temperatures, the field should however be indoors».

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