charisma and mystery”. The premiere of the film is already sold out, here are the other dates

charisma and mystery”. The premiere of the film is already sold out, here are the other dates
charisma and mystery”. The premiere of the film is already sold out, here are the other dates

Starting June 14th, spectators will be able to immerse themselves in the story of Father Guglielmo Gattiania Capuchin who lived in Cesena and Faenza, recently proclaimed venerable servant of God by Pope Francis. “Father Guglielmo: charisma and mystery” is a film that recalls the compelling and exciting aspects of the life of Father Guglielmo, venerated during his lifetime for his sanctity and fame of miracles and prodigious events. His story is told through the moving testimonies of friends and faithful. Directed by Roberto Vecchidirector and author with extensive experience in television programming for Rai, the film explores the essence of Father Guglielmo’s life, investigating his unshakable faith, sincere mercy for the faithful, his veneration for his brother priests and his extraordinary ability to touch the hearts of countless people. Simone Ortolani, journalist and television author, creator of the project and expert in historical issues, he edited the biographical contents of the film. Together, Vecchi and Ortolani had already successfully collaborated on the documentary “Ersilio”, dedicated to Cardinal Tonini and broadcast on Tv2000.

The leading actor

The role of Father Guglielmo And played by Daniele Dainelli, professional actor, theater teacher and president of a renowned Romagna theater company. His engaging performance brings the religious man to life, capturing his warmth, humility and spirit of deep prayer.

The soundtrack

Davide Caprellicomposer from Cesena of great fame and author of iconic television theme songs as that of Rai broadcast “Geo” and of music of the award-winning film “East – Last Minute Dictatorship” created the film’s soundtrack, perfectly integrating notes and melodies with the film’s narrative.

The crew

The film’s crew includes a remarkable group of local talents from Romagna, including Ludovica Amati, Luigi Schiavoni, Marco La Ferrara, Davide Piras, Anja Schuck And Vanessa Marchetti.

The shooting

The shooting took place in various places in Emilia-Romagna and not only, including Cesena, Smile, Faenza, Castel San Pietro, Lagrimone, Querceto, Mind you, Ravenna And Treviso. The crew meticulously collected precious testimonies from priests, brothers, cloistered nuns, devotees and friends who were touched by the radical and coherent testimony of faith of this charismatic Capuchin friar who passed away in Faenza on 15 December 1999.

The presentation of the film

The film swill be premiered at the Cinema Teatro Victor in Cesena (Via S. Vittore, 1680) Friday 14 June at 9pm, with the presence of the authors Roberto Vecchi and Simone Ortolani, of the Minister Provincial of the Capuchin Friars Minor, brother Giacomo Franchini, of the bishop of Cesena-Sarsina, mons. Douglas Regattieri, and the president of La Bcc Banca di Credito Cooperativo Ravennate Forlivese and Imolese Giuseppe Gambi. Further screenings will take place on Monday 17th, Tuesday 18, Wednesday 19 June and Thursday 20 June at 9pm. Reservation is recommended at 375 670 0022

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