Andria: Festival of Despair – Idea Radio nel Mondo

From Friday 14th to Sunday 16th June In the Episcopal Seminary Of Andria the eighth edition of Festival of Despairorganized on the theme “How do you make mistakes” from the Andria Readers’ Club with the artistic direction of Gigi Brandonisio. Starting from June 3rd to 6th with a preview and coming into full swing from June 7th, it is proposing over 40 appointments between talks, meetings, conferences and shows. The festival has as its core the error in all its forms and contradictions, starting from those we make in our daily lives up to current social and political events.

Friday 14 June double session to 7:00 pm with “The meaning of work for female workers of both sexes” by the journalist Irene Soave (author of the recent volume “The statute of female workers” – Bompiani) and the presentation of the book “Revenge of the Orcas” by the science journalist Roberto Inchingolo with Sara Segantin (writer, correspondent for Geo, consultant to the artistic direction of Fa la Cosa Giusta). At 8.15pm (entry 5 euros) after the one dedicated to Joyce, Mauro Covacich will propose a monologue inspired by the life and works of Franz Kafka. “If the book we read doesn’t wake us up with a punch on the skull, what’s the point of reading it?”: starting from this already definitive thought, written in a letter to his friend Oskar Pollak by a barely twenty-year-old Kafka, Covacich pursues the Prague writer in a melee between life and literature. Kafka writes in a language that was not his, but the German of the Austro-Hungarian empire learned at school: “every language is a world. If you choose someone else’s, you will wander around your whole life in a world that is not yours. And even when you happen to see yourself reflected in the shop windows, you will realize that that guy reflected is not you.” At 9.30pm (entry 8 euros) the actor Mauro Pescio with his show “It’s not a hero’s story“. Adapted from “I was the Milanese“, podcast by Rai Play Sound, is the story of a man who has made many wrong choices in life, a man with whom bad luck has become fierce, a man who has hit rock bottom, but who has risen from that rock bottom.

Saturday 15 June at 5pm the writer Chiara Tagliaferri with Feminisms and Patriarchy will remember Michela Murgia. At 6pm double date with “Toxic Loves” of the psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist Laura Pigozzi And “Ouch! Evil said. What do we call pain” by the presenter and researcher Roberta Fulci. At 7.15pm L’Pocket Apocalypse Of Niccolò Fettarappa And Lorenzo Guerrieria one-act heroic comedy with a theological extravaganza, will deal with the end of the world seen from various perspectives, before attending the match together Italy – Albaniadebut of the Azzurri in the European Football Championships.

Sunday 16 June the final day will begin to 11:00 with the “Natural history of crying” Of Roberto Inchingolo. At 6pm the evening will start with “And they lived happily ever after” the geneticist Edoardo Boncinelli and the philosopher Marco Furio Ferrario instead they will talk about the natural history of discontentexploring the biological and cultural roots of this feeling through history, science and art, with the aim of accepting it as part of human life. At 7pm double date with “The post-romantics” Of Carolina Bandinelli And “Stories of memorable mistakes” dthe Piero Martins. At 8.15pm the sociolinguist Vera Gheno with “Grammancers“, a monologue on the possibility of loving words taken from his recent volume published by Einaudi. At 9.30pm the eighth edition of Festival of Despair will end with “The shootout – Single act without serious injuries unfortunately” Of Niccolò Fettarappa And Lorenzo Guerrieri. An acute, subtle and bitter reflection by a young man on the death of the Left and on the quiet submissiveness of his generation, now imperturbable to social and cultural abuses.

The only cultural event in our country that celebrates the transformative and catastrophic power of desperation (the literary feeling par excellence) in literature and modern life, this year too the festival will bring to the Apulian town writers, actors, journalists, musicians And artists. With a lot humorbut without failing to seriousnessthere are many protagonists who will meet in the Episcopal Seminary, thanks to the support of Saint Thomas Aquinas Diocesan Libraryof theArchconfraternity of the Immaculate Conception and gods Principals of the Book and collaboration with partners Cristal Palace Hotel And Collective 32.

Info, tickets and program

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