Trento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 14 June

The weather forecast for Friday 14 June in Trento show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. In the morning and afternoon, expect overcast skies with cloud cover ranging from 96% to 100%. Temperatures will remain around +20°C, with a slightly lower perception. The wind will blow mainly from the South – South West with intensity varying from 4.7km/h to 9.8km/h.

In the late afternoon, around 5pm, a phase of light rain is expected with 88% cloud cover. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around +20°C. The wind will continue to come from the South – South West with a speed of around 9.6km/h. Precipitation will be approximately 0.12mm, with a probability of 74%.

In the evening, starting from 18:00, the clouds will thin out, leaving room for scattered clouds with a cloud cover that will stand at around 84%. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching +14.6°C around 11pm. The wind coming from the South East will blow light, with a speed between 2.2km/h and 4km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 14 June in Trento they indicate a day with mostly overcast skies, with the possibility of light rain in the late afternoon. Temperatures will remain rather stable, with a slight decrease during the day. It is advisable to pay attention to climatic variations and to bring an umbrella in case precipitation is expected. Stay updated for further information on the weather conditions in Trento for the next few days.

All the weather data for Friday 14 June in Trento

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