«Teatro a corte», the national event linked to the Giovanni Macchia prize returns to Palazzo Beltrani this Saturday

Court Theatre. A cult event for all theater lovers returns to Palazzo delle Arti Beltrani in Trani for the 2024 artistic season: the fourth edition of the national review linked to the Giovanni Macchia Prize with the artistic direction of Enzo Matichecchia and Lella Mastrapasqua

It starts on Saturday 15 June with the Matrimoni Sospesi show by Compagnia 30cchetto

The national theater review of Palazzo delle Arti Beltrani, which this year reaches its fourth edition, was a successful bet. “Teatro a Corte” – Giovanni Macchia Prize, with the artistic direction of Enzo Matichecchia and Lella Mastrapasqua, in collaboration with Compagnia dei Teatranti APS of Bisceglie-Trani and Unione Italiana Libero Teatro, opens the curtain on Saturday 15 June with the comedy “Matrimoni Sospesi ” by Crescenzo Autieri of Compagnia 30then of Casagiove (CE).

The theatrical program, which has been so successful in previous editions, will thrill with six plays chosen after a careful selection of numerous shows by companies that, from all over Italy, participated in the call for the national review, whose best show, voted by public, this year too he will receive the prestigious award dedicated to Giovanni Macchia (Trani 1912 – Rome 2001). Stain, distinguished scholar and writer, he is one of the most important Italian critics of the twentieth century. He was born in Trani in 1912. Son of the president of the Assize Court Vito Macchia, during his childhood in Puglia he became particularly passionate about music and theater and then moved to Rome with his family in 1923, following the call of father to the Court of Cassation.

A leading figure in the field of literary criticism, Macchia dedicated his life to the study of literature and theatre. His thesis on “Critical Baudelaire” in 1934 and his subsequent university career, with teaching in Pisa, Catania and Rome, consolidated his reputation as a critic. After the war, Macchia entered the lively Roman cultural environment, founding the magazine “L’Immagine”. Since 1952 he has directed the Theater Institute of the University of Rome and in 1958, called to the Faculty of Letters, he also began teaching History of Theater and Entertainment, while in 1962 he joined the prestigious Accademia dei Lincei. His essays on Baudelaire, a writer who attracted his attention more than any other, on Proust, Balzac, Molière, Montaigne, Gide, Tasso, Manzoni, Pirandello open new and relevant perspectives on literature.

Macchia also collaborates with many magazines and newspapers. Since 1962 his signature has also appeared on the pages of the “Corriere della Sera”. Among the numerous awards received, in 1992 the international Balzan prize for the history and criticism of literature and in 2000 the “Grand Prix de la Francophonie” of the French Academy. The artistic director of the Palazzo Beltrani season Niki Battaglia intended, four years ago now, to dedicate the national award to the great critic and man of letters who contributed significantly to the Italian and international cultural panorama, linking it to the Corte theater program “Davide Santorsola” so as not to forget one of the most illustrious Tranesi in the history of the city.

On a weekly basis, every Saturday, until July 20th, you will be able to enjoy theatrical performances that range from comedies of errors to farce, not without more intimate and introspective food for thought.

The new program and the possibility for the public to vote for the show, feeling an active part, is inaugurated by the comedy “Matrimoni Sospesi” by Crescenzo Autieri of Compagnia 30cchetto, directed by Vincenzo Russo. A work that explores the complexities of human relationships through an intense and engaging narrative. It unfolds between the communication difficulties of couples in crisis and the innocent love of two young people, highlighting how love and friendship can be experienced in different ways, depending on whether they are seen by the male or female component. The delicacy with which family relationships are treated, in particular that between father and daughter, reflects the emotional depth of the text. This theatrical piece promises to be an emotional journey through the nuances of love and family bonds, intentions and reactions are full of impetus, the rhythms are fast-paced, the genuine and comic thread accompanies the entire plot, leaving the spectator with a rich experience of pathos but also food for thought.

The titles of the next shows on the bill are captivating: “The Chinese cabinet” by Aldo de Benedetti of the theater group Il Focolare di Loreto, on stage on Saturday 22 June; June ends on Saturday 29th with the out-of-competition show “I ri…Promessi Sposi” by Enzo Matichecchia of the Compagnia dei Teatranti; a great classic by Eduardo De Filippo such as “Non ti pago”, staged on Saturday 6 July by La Bottega dei Teatranti; the theater company I sognAttori presents “Amici fragili” by Federico Buffa on Saturday 13 July; The event closes on Saturday 20 July with the show “Voglia di Borotalco” by L’Allegra Compagnia di Turi.

The artistic programming of Palazzo delle Arti Beltrani, a multifunctional cultural container of the city of Trani, is curated by the director Niki Battaglia, enjoys the media partner of Radio Selene and was created by the Association of the Arts with the collaboration and support of the City of Trani , the patronage of the International Festival of Andria Castel dei Mondi, the intervention of the Puglia Region, the PACT Polo Arti Cultura Turismo of the Region, Extraordinary Plan 2022 “Let’s safeguard Culture in Puglia” – Special Fund for Culture and Cultural Heritage LR 40/2016, art.15, paragraph 3 and the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese.

All shows start at 9pm, door at 8.30pm. For info: 0883.50.00.44 and www.palazzodelleartibeltrani.it

Poltronissima (numbered seat) single show €10.00; free unnumbered seat: 8.00 euros. Tickets can also be purchased with a teacher’s card exclusively at the box office of Palazzo delle Arti Beltrani (open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00, closed on Mondays) in via Beltrani 51 in Trani (BT). The ticket for “Matrimoni sospesi” is available online at the following link: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/Ticket/matrimoni-sospesi/234893

To purchase tickets for the entire artistic program of Palazzo delle Arti Beltrani at the following link: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/venue/terrazza-davide-santorsola/517230061

The brochure with all the events can be downloaded at the following link: https://www.flipsnack.com/675AA577C6F/stagione-artistica-2024.html

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