Casoria elections record holders of preferences in the Democratic Party

Casoria. Municipal elections: the PD’s record holder of preferences and the rising stars of the party. Young people and citizens are moving closer to the Democratic Party: “We look at the government’s action with confidence”.

The day after the victory of the coalition that supported the re-nomination of Raffaele Bene in Casoria reconfirmed with almost 84 percent of the votes, the wax seal that closes the local elections sees “a remarkable change of direction” with the entry into the majority of the Democratic Party which gave a further push forward in consensus by snatching 21 of the 24 seats foreseen in the Assizes.

Record holder of preferences the lawyer Alessandro Graziusofollowed by Nicola Rullofrom the new entry Assunta De Rosa and the dean Franco Russo. For the exponent of the Democratic Party, Graziuso, “what happened in Casoria is a triumph without triumphalism, because we have always practiced silent work”.

The Democratic Party, he says, “he returns to convince and win, with an almost predictable success”. And a key word returns, for now and later: “Programmatic conference”. Meaning what “start from the themes and projects”. Put another way: “The task of good politics falls to us. And good politics is also the antidote to the major protagonist of this electoral round: abstentionism”.

Furthermore, the democrats make it known that they have worked to win unitedly, and to “forge the new course of Casori politics”. “The Democratic Party at a national level has achieved an extraordinary result – Graziuso continues -, which testifies to the good work done by secretary Schlein and the ability to intercept the true needs of citizens on crucial issues. Thanking “those who have placed their trust in me, honoring me with a great responsibility towards the city”.

“The Democratic Party of Casoria – he adds – achieves very significant electoral results, with a very broad consensus thanks to all the candidates who represented a plural and rooted party fundamental for building a broad and unitary democratic and progressive field and build the conditions with Raffaele Bene to change the city of Casoria in a more incisive way”. In fact, beyond the numbers, this time what will count is commitment, professionalism and competence.


(in the photo from left Alessandro Graziuso and Assunta De Rosa)

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