“The Uil of Viterbo and Lazio in the streets against Chiara Frontini”

Here’s who rules the city… – The regional and territorial general secretaries of the union, Alberto Civica and Giancarlo Turchetti: “We cannot allow the mayor to offend municipal employees and their representatives, which is why we have organized a sit protest for June 17th in front of Palazzo dei Priori”

by Daniele Camilli

Viterbo – “The Uil of Viterbo and Lazio in the streets against the mayor Chiara Frontini”. The regional general secretaries, Alberto Civica, and territorial, Giancarlo Turchetti.

The union has organized a sit-in protest for June 17, from 10 to 12 in front of Palazzo dei Priori in Piazza del Plebiscito in Viterbo.

“The roles played by each of us – say Civica and Turchetti – are roles and as such destined to pass away. But the meaning that these symbolize should absolutely not be outraged and denigrated. The very meaning of the state, of democracy and years of struggle to achieve freedom of expression, criticism and trade union protections would be nullified. We can’t allow it. This is why we have decided to organize a sit in protest next week. Because the offenses have a weight that goes beyond the insult towards the individual.”

Viterbo – Mayor Chiara Frontini

“That idiot Turchetti from Uil…”, stated the mayor at dinner with councilor Marco Bruzziches on the evening of 26 September. Also at the table were Frontini’s husband, Fabio Cavini, and the councilor’s wife, Anna Maria Formini.

Turchetti’s fault? Having reiterated more than once that Uil has left Corso Italia, where it has been for about forty years, because the historic center is unlivable. All in black and white in the transcription of the Viterbo prosecutor’s office of the recording made at the home of councilor Marco Bruzziches during the dinner on 26 September last year.

Prosecutors Massimiliano Siddi and Chiara Capezzuto have requested that Frontini and Cavini be sent to trial on charges of threatening a political body in competition. After a complaint from Bruzziches, after the dinner on September 26, and the investigations that followed. The hearing before the Gup Giacomo Autizi is scheduled for November 21st, in via Falcone e Borsellino, Palace of Justice. The prosecutors had also asked for immediate judgment, which was rejected by investigating judge Rita Cialoni.

The general secretary of Uil Viterbo Giancarlo Turchetti

The mayor’s statements against Turchetti is just one of the reasons that will bring the union to the streets next Monday. The other reason is what Frontini said regarding municipal employees, defined “human material to be thrown away”, at least for 50% of them. To then escalate the issue at the city council meeting on May 30th.

Alberto Civica

Viterbo – The general secretary of Uil Lazio Alberto Civica

“Can a representative of the institutions express herself with such language? – underline Civica and Turchetti -. Can a union offend and insult workers and those who defend them?”.

“It’s a very serious episode – explain the trade unionists – because if reporting a situation of degradation in the historic center to protect citizens and defend those who work is ‘assholes’ then we all are. And we are also proud of it. Because whoever decides to represent a community puts the well-being of the latter before their own. The mayor should keep this in mind.”

Daniele Camilli

Presumption of innocence

In the Italian criminal system the presumption of innocence applies until the final sentence. Presumption of innocence which is based on article 27 of the Italian constitution according to which a person “is not considered guilty until finally convicted”.

Articles: Chiara Frontini: “Counsellors and offices are precise and shit… every time you tell them to straighten out a half-crooked situation they don’t do it” – CGIL, CISL, UIL: “The mayor portrays the unspeakable statements about municipal employees to avoid a worsening of the matter” – Municipal employees to be thrown away, the mayor takes it further: “Whoever is offended by those words knows they fall into that 50%” by Giuseppe Ferlicca – Andrea Micci (Lega): “Municipal employees, I would have expected an apology of the mayor Frontini…” – Maurizio Bizzoni (Uil Fpl): “Municipal employees, if Frontini does not apologize we will proclaim the general mobilization… let the prefect intervene” – Trapè (Cisl Fp): “Frontini reiterated his thoughts: ready to assist the employees who feel defamed” – Brothers of Italy: “The statements about municipal employees are out of place, Chiara Frontini should apologize…” – CGIL, CISL, UIL: “Astonished and dismayed by the statements against the employees, Mayor Chiara Frontini should deny…” – Chiara Frontini: “ 50% of the municipality’s public employees should be thrown away…” – Poison dinner – Fabio Cavini: “If you are against us, you will even die of hunger…”

June 12, 2024

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