“The Magician” of the Ateneo delle Arti enchants the Latina audience

“The Magician” of the Ateneo delle Arti enchants the Latina audience
“The Magician” of the Ateneo delle Arti enchants the Latina audience

At the Teatro D’Annunzio in the Pontine capital, a show dedicated to Maestro Ezio Bosso made its way into the hearts of the public. The magic of Dance, Music, Singing and Acting enchanted the audience of the Gabriele D’Annunzio Municipal Theater of Latina for two consecutive evenings.

The University of Arts – Ballet of Latina – directed by Valentina Zagami, presented a real show of “fine arts” which involved students and teachers from different backgrounds in order to promote the culture of dance and other performing arts, in their many aspects, but with a single denominator: experiencing the joy of the stage. Introduced by the dancers of the Zeroquattrocento Dance Junior Company with choreography by Valerio Longo, the show allowed a leap forward towards the professional development of the city’s young dancers. Together with a team of teachers from different schools, a path was started that allowed the best young male and female dancers in Latina to study with big names in Italian dance.

Live music, produced by the piano and percussion and singing students, was part of a good part of the company’s choreographies, while acting, another department of the school, acted as the fil rouge of the show inspired by the text “The Magician” written by Vanessa Policicchio.

The school also presented its students of Giocodanza, Classical, Modern, Contemporary, Hip Hop and House Dance, all involved in impeccable original and engaging choreographies curated by as many professional teachers. Remembering, as Maestro Ezio Bosso said that “music is true magic, it is no coincidence that conductors have a wand like magicians”, the show left its mark, also supported with the precious patronage of the City of Latina .

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