«Sannio Generation Fund»: sustainable development mission

A monetary fund aimed at supporting socially useful actions promoted by public and private bodies operating in the area through actions to combat poverty and aimed at creating new quality, inclusive and at the same time equal entrepreneurial, educational or cultural opportunities. It is the latest project implemented by young entrepreneurs, accountants, lawyers and accounting experts from Beneventogathered under the acronyms of Confindustria Benevento Young entrepreneurs, Young Accountants Union and accounting experts and the Italian Young Lawyers Association. A dense network supported by the important partnership with the Benevento Community Foundation, which will act as a digital hub for the creation of the fund. The initiative will be presented on Wednesday 19th, at 4pm, in the reading room of Palazzo De Simone, introduced by a conference entitled «The Sannio Generation Fund», which will see the participation of professionals in the sector, who will share their experiences and their skills with the aim of illustrating the importance of the fund and its impact on the capital and its hinterland.


«Together with young lawyers and accountants – he explains Alessio Zollo (in the photo), president of the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Benevento – we have decided to give life to this fund, which we have already started to fill. Over time, through some events that we will organize, the fund will continue to fill and will be used for social projects related to our areas. The idea – he continues – is to collaborate with the Community Foundation to channel our investments in projects that can help combat phenomena such as the depopulation of internal areas, protect the territory, create a civil economy and promote sustainable development. We intend to send a message of hope and concrete support to the many young people who are in our area.” Through the «Generazione Sannio» fund, therefore, opportunities for growth and learning will also be developed to relaunch skills, talents, skills and aspiration in adolescents and young adults who live in situations of fragility and vulnerability. All made possible by the intervention of the Benevento Community Foundation, which is committed to the development and valorisation of the Samnite territory and which aims to improve the quality of life of the local community through specific projects, such as the fund that will be presented on the 19th, promoting the culture of solidarity and social responsibility.

«We find ourselves in an area with great potential opportunities but which has to deal with the continuous demographic decline and poor prospects for the younger people, who tend to leave Sannio. Our intervention aims to avoid the continuous depopulation of the territory caused both by the low birth rate and by the emigration of residents – continues Zollo himself -. We carry out an intervention to satisfy the needs expressed by our territory to create a better future among citizens.”

The day’s program includes numerous interventions by the protagonists of the project. Following will be specifically presented the «Sannio Generation Fund» with relevant reports and testimonies edited by lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants from Campania. A fundraising aperitif will follow at 7pm. The event is accredited by professional associations for the purposes of compulsory training.


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