Occhiuto: “Calabria rewards Forza Italia and the Centre-Right, renewed push for my regional government”

Occhiuto: “Calabria rewards Forza Italia and the Centre-Right, renewed push for my regional government”
Occhiuto: “Calabria rewards Forza Italia and the Centre-Right, renewed push for my regional government”

Catanzaro – “The 9.7% achieved at a national level by Forza Italia in the European elections is a huge result, unexpected for some, convinced until a few months ago that, after the death of President Berlusconi, the party would inexorably slide towards the abyss . This was not the case, despite many commentators in the first months of the new year betting on the difficulty of even exceeding the 4% quorum. 9.7%, however, is an extraordinary achievement. We are close to 10%, just as the national secretary Antonio Tajani – to whom the thanks of our entire political community goes – has been repeating like a mantra since September”. Thus Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region and deputy national secretary of Forza Italia .

“It is a success of the militants, of the supporters, of the people of Forza Italia. And above all it is the success of the legacy of Silvio Berlusconi. Our founder is no longer with us but we dedicate this great result to him, we will always be grateful to him for the legacy of ideas and values, the result of a thirty-year political history, but also for having given us a people, that of Forza Italia, which is there, is alive, is well rooted and wants to actively participate in the political life of the country moderate and reassuring force that represents the true center of the Italian political system. This is also amply demonstrated by the overwhelming defeat in these elections of all the other pseudo centrist experiences. We won also thanks to the Forza Italia leadership group which in the most difficult moment of the its history has been able to put unity, a sense of responsibility, and the desire to row in the same direction to strengthen and make the party cohesive before everything else – he adds – The national vote, finally, undoubtedly rewards the experience of the Meloni government , an even stronger executive, the one that emerged from this electoral round, which will move forward without any hesitation and will continue to do well and act in the interests of the country. As regards the outcome of the elections in our Region, I had asked the Calabrians to give, with their vote, more strength to my regional government. The European vote in Calabria shows that the Calabrians, two and a half years after the beginning of our experience, have appreciated the work of the center-right coalition and ask us to move forward with renewed and greater conviction. Forza Italia achieves a great result with 18%: we almost double the national figure of the blue movement and we are the second party in the Region. Giusi Princi, my vice president, becomes an MEP with almost 84 thousand preferences – more than 65 thousand taken in Calabria -, a figure of great value is rewarded who has supported me in these two and a half years of government at the helm of the Region and who will now go in Europe to carry forward the many requests of our territories. I would also like to highlight that compared to the 2022 political elections, the parties that make up my regional coalition, including Action, which exceeds 4% in Calabria, are improving their results. Adding together the votes of Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Azione we come close to 52%. This means that after two and a half years the parties that support the Occhiuto government have all grown and are in the majority in Calabria. The opposition cannot say the same thing. With respect to politics, the 5 Star Movement is collapsing, and the Democratic Party, which conducted an electoral campaign with the sole topic of a systematic and personal attack against the President of the Region, records one of the lowest results in Italy.”

“My thanks – he concludes – goes to all the Calabrians, and then to my party, to all the militants, to the regional councilors, to the management group of Forza Italia, in particular to our coordinator, Francesco Cannizzaro, to all the provincial coordinators, for the great work carried out in the area in recent months and in this electoral campaign. This vote makes me feel the closeness of the Calabrians even more and gives a further push to the regional government to support Calabria’s battles on the national tables with more vigor. before. We have a stronger centre-right in Italy and a stronger centre-right in Calabria. I am sure that this situation will put us in a position to carry out increasingly positive actions, pushing us to move forward with determination and great conviction, satisfied with the work done to date. but aware of the fact that there is still a lot to do and that many objectives await us to achieve in the coming years. A journey that we are about to undertake together with the many Calabrians who have concretely shown us their closeness and encouragement in this too. electoral round”.


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