Azione does not reach the quorum, but in Calabria De Nisi flies towards 11 thousand preferences

Azione does not reach the quorum, but in Calabria De Nisi flies towards 11 thousand preferences
Azione does not reach the quorum, but in Calabria De Nisi flies towards 11 thousand preferences

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the analysis

Same fate for the United States of Europe, but Filomena Greco obtains (almost) 18 thousand preferences

Published on: 10/06/2024 – 8:25

LAMEZIA TERME Action and the United States of Europe have not reached the 4% threshold at a national level, necessary to win a place in the European Parliament. United States of Europe stops at 3.7%, at a national level, while Action-We are Europeans at 3.3%. A disappointing result for Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda, but in Calabria the parties obtain thousands of preferences and a percentage of votes above 4%. Azione is at 4.1% and Francesco De Nisi, regional councilor, is the most voted with 10,919 preferences when 2,300 out of 2,406 sections were scrutinized. It’s easy for De Nisi to exceed 11,000 preferences. The performance of Filomena Greco, candidate of United States of Europe (6.14%) and most voted with 17,690 preferences, was decidedly good. Even in this case, the data is still partial and therefore the former mayor of Cariati flies towards 18,000 preferences. (fb)


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