Mogliano Veneto. He destroys a House Martin’s nest with a broom: Lipu reports him

MOGLIANO VENETO (TREVISO) – Lipu reports: a House Martin (Delichon urbicum) nest was deliberately destroyed by a resident in the hamlet of Bonisiolo….

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MOGLIANO VENETO (TREVISO) – Lipu reports: a House Martin (Delichon urbicum) nest was deliberately destroyed by a resident in the hamlet of Bonisiolo. The incident has put the spotlight on the need to protect biodiversity and endangered animal species. According to reconstructions, the nest, already formed and containing eggs or chicks, was the subject of aviolent action by the owner of the private home where he was located. Using a “broom”, the man destroyed the nest, depriving the house martins of their refuge and putting their offspring at risk. The same person, who, according to the reports received by Lipu, would not be new to conduct of this kind, finally disposed of the remains of what was destroyed, throwing them in the garbage. The martins, unaware of what had happened, returned to the nest site, only to find themselves in front of their house now reduced to pieces. Unable to rebuild their shelter, they found themselves without a safe place to reproduce and raise their young.

The nest of an “endangered species” destroyed

This is a particularly vulnerable species, classified as “endangered”, because it is threatened by various causes including the loss of habitat, the use of pesticides and, as in this sad case, the illegal destruction of nests, an event that happens more often than you would like to believe. The LIPU Treviso OdV, having learned the news, promptly responded condemned the gesture of the owner, calling him «a act of cruelty unacceptable and a crime against the environment». The organization has requested intervention from the competent authorities, the provincial police and the mayor of Mogliano, to ascertain responsibilities and to prevent similar episodes from repeating in the future. The press release released by Lipu reviews the regulations in force to protect bird nests and declining species, such as the House Martin. In addition to regulations, the importance of respect for wildlife and the need for greater environmental awareness is highlighted. Martins, like many other animals, play an essential and fundamental role in the ecosystem and their disappearance could have chain negative consequences. The destruction of this nest therefore represents a very serious gesture, which must be a warning and an invitation to reflect on the relationship with nature. «As birds that nest in buildings, house martins, just like swallows (Hirundo rustica) and Italian sparrows (Passer italiae) – concludes Lipu – are in the category of birds deserving of protection and therefore by law their nests cannot be destroyed.”


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