Tragic accident on the Ragusa-Modica, farewell to Gianni and Giusy Cascone

Tragic accident on the Ragusa-Modica road with two dead and one injured.

The victims are Gianni Cascone and his wife Giusy, who lost their lives riding their motorbike.

They collided with a car in which a young woman was traveling and was transported to the Giovanni Paolo II hospital in Ragusa.

The accident occurred around 1am.

Gianni Cascone was the founder of the Pericentro association which this morning expressed its condolences on Facebook through Pietro Pace:

“PERICENTRO and the community of Puntarazzi are mourning two true and sincere friends: Gianni Cascone and his wife Giusy are no longer with us.

A terrible accident took them away tonight, depriving the children of their two beloved parents and the community of Puntarazzi of two pillars.

Gianni is well known in the city, but also outside Ragusa for being a musician of great caliber as well as a “Friend” of those with a capital A.

Gianni has been a member of PERICENTRO since its foundation, always ready to do his part for the community and for all the Contrade.

PERICENTRO associates itself with the family’s pain, expressing heartfelt condolences in particular to Stefano and Leonardo, who today are experiencing this tragedy, which takes their parents away today which was supposed to be a day of celebration for PERICENTRO”.

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