European and administrative elections: turnout data in the Marche and in the province of Ascoli Piceno – picenotime

European and administrative elections: turnout data in the Marche and in the province of Ascoli Piceno – picenotime
European and administrative elections: turnout data in the Marche and in the province of Ascoli Piceno – picenotime

Polling stations open in the Marche and in the province of Ascoli Piceno for both European elections that for them administrative. Voting took place on Saturday 8 June from 3pm to 11pm.

In the Marche they voted the 15.69% of those entitled. In 2009, the last time the vote was spread over two days, the turnout for the European elections stood at 19.3%. Below the regional average for turnout are the capital Ancona (14.62%), Fermo (12.32%) and Macerata (15.05%) while higher values ​​are recorded in Ascoli Piceno (17.89%) and Pesaro Urbino (18.11%).

As regards the administrative elections, the turnout figure in the Marche region reached 19.91% at 11.00 pm. The lowest turnout percentage at the provincial level was recorded in Ancona (18.88%) followed by Pesaro Urbino (19.43%), Macerata (19.55%), Fermo (20.32%) and Ascoli Piceno, in which the mayor of the capital city is elected, which recorded the highest turnout in the region (22.47%).

In the Piceno area in Ascoli the city voted the 24.89% in 52 sections. In Carassai 19.23%, in Castignano 18.06%, in Castorano 20.93%, in Colli del Tronto 22.70%, in Comunanza 28.97, in Cupra Marittima 18.56%, in Folignano 23.40%, in Maltignano 30.41%, in Massignano 21.12%, in Monsampolo del Tronto 18.94%, in Montalto delle Marche 20.87%, in Montedinove 13.07 %, in Montefiore dell’Aso 20.75%, in Montemonaco 21.66%, in Monteprandone 18.94%, in Offida 23.67%, in Palmiano 21.39%, in Roccafluvione 23, 77%, in Rotella 21.85%, in Spinetoli 17.80%, in Venarotta 15.02%.

On Sunday 9 June the polling stations will be open until 11pm. is also on Whatsapp. Simply CLICK HERE to subscribe to the channel and always be updated!

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