At the Falcone e Borsellino park “Skill shake” brings fun but also prevention

A rich afternoon of games and fun in the name of sociality on Saturday 8 June at the Falcone e Borsellino park in Legnano with “Skill shake – Put your skills into play“. This is an initiative born in the wake of “Legnano is safe“, the campaign designed in 2021 to raise awareness among citizens and cover places in the city frequented by young people. The initiative is also part of the “Gap Local Plan by Ats Milan“, which aims to prevent and combat gambling. «The municipal administration of Legnano together with the Albatros cooperative – he said Micaela Filiceeducator of the Albatros cooperative – in the Covid era she created the “Legnano siCura” campaign to promote actions aimed at citizens, in particular young peopleto reclaim spaces, especially that of the Falcone and Borsellino park, and make them places of culture and socialitywhich is why it is important for us to be here.”

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Skill shake – Put your skills into play 2024 4 of 17

Role-playing, wooden, miniature and skill games, a school of juggling, chess, art and painting, balancing games, skateboards and books to promote reading, these are the rich recreational options that kept the young people busy throughout the afternoon. «The games we offer today – he said Giulia Arcidiaconoof the Albatros cooperative – have theobjective of testing skills, of the skills and competences that each of us already possesses but which can be strengthened. Our focus is on “life skills” and health promotion, therefore thanks to the local realities present we send a message to promote health and well-being».

The organizers are satisfied for the turnout, which saw children, teenagers and families participate in the numerous activities offered.

Play increases awareness

«The world of board games – he said Matteo Sassi of the Ludoteca Alto Milanese association – is increasingly richer and it helps not only to socialize but also to develop many skills». It’s not just playing as an end in itself, you can in fact learn a lot from many of these entertainments. «There we see some kids who are playing Celestia, – said Sassi, indicating a group of kids sitting at a table – which is a game based on “push your luck” mechanicswhich is a technique in which you always have to bet at the risk of losing, but in this case it is a skill developed in a positive way because the game has a set of features that they help to understand that you shouldn’t go and bet beyond what is necessary.”

“Living” the areas of the city to counteract discomfort

«The Falcone Borsellino park is a beautiful park and we know well that it is not always well attended, – said Matteo Sassi – initiatives like this or how to increase the space dedicated to children’s rides they can help make this park live wellbut in my opinion to be able to counteract the degradation that is attacking the various areas of the city the solution is to live itwalking, cycling within this space and don’t be indifferent to what happens».

Not just an afternoon of fun but also prevention and information with an educator and a social worker from the Albatros cooperative who deal with the Jump around project. «Being here is important for us – said Matilde and Chiara, educator and social worker of the Albatros cooperative – because in this place, where we have often tried to contain discomfort through repressive action alone, we think that it is it is important to also give ample space to preventive action, because this is where the positive messages come from which allow people to have such awareness that it does not lead them to engage in risky and deviant behavior.”

The event It is in its third edition and, as in 2023, it is part of the “La Bella Estate” program. The initiative was designed by the Albatros cooperative in synergy with the municipal administration and the local police command.

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