School, requests for private lessons are increasing in Italy: Calabria among the top places

School, requests for private lessons are increasing in Italy: Calabria among the top places
School, requests for private lessons are increasing in Italy: Calabria among the top places

ROME – Il private lessons market in Italy it is increasing, but it is not homogeneous. According to data from the first quarter of 2024, regions such as Calabria, Basilicata, Molise and Liguria have experienced considerable increases in requests, where students require English and math lessons. Going against the trend, however, are Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, where the greatest interest appears to be in Italian and fundamentals of law. The common data concerns the increase in requests for repetitions for middle school students. The data emerges from the ‘’ platform, where students register in search of tutoring offered by tutors. The platform has around 8 million registered users, of which 14% are Italian. The most significant increase is recorded in Molise, with a 117% increase in requests for private lessons.

Followed by: Basilicata, with an increase of 52.6%; Calabria, with +51.7% and Liguria, with +40.8% and Lazio, with +6%. A slight decline, however, was recorded above all in Emilia-Romagna, which suffered a reduction in requests of 4.5%. Tuscany and Lombardy also, with -3% and -2% respectively. Students’ preferences also change substantially. In the Islands, Italian and law lessons are increasing, respectively +57.3% and +242.4%, to the detriment of the English language which, however, is more in-depth in Calabria. “The data collected indicates important fluctuations in the demand for private lessons in Italy – says Lucrezia Petrano, Country manager Italy at Tus Media -, which underlines the growing importance of personalized education. These results highlight how more and more families recognize the value of tailored educational support to address academic challenges.”

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