in addition to the European elections, 60 Municipalities called to the polls to elect mayors and councilors

In addition to the European elections which will affect the entire Region, on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 60 Umbrian municipalities (39 in the province of Perugia, 21 in that of Terni) are called to vote to elect mayor and city councilors.

All eyes are on the seven municipalities with more than 15,000 inhabitants – Bastia Umbra, Castiglione del Lago, Foligno, Gubbio, Marsciano, Perugia and Orvieto – which may not elect the mayor in the first round but in the subsequent run-off on 23 and 24 June.

As mentioned, in the province of Perugia, 39 municipalities will go to the polls: Bastia Umbra, Campello sul Clitunno, Castel Ritaldi, Castiglione del Lago, Cerreto di Spoleto, Citerna, Città della Pieve, Collazzone, Costacciaro, Foligno, Fossato di Vico, Fratta Todina, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Gualdo Tadino, Gubbio, Lisciano Niccone, Magione, Marsciano, Massa Martana, Monte Castello di Vibio, Montefalco, Montone, Norcia, Paciano, Panicale, Perugia, Piegaro, Pietralunga, Preci, San Giustino , Sant’Anatolia di Narco, Scheggia and Pascelupo, Sellano, Sigillo, Spello, Torgiano, Tuoro sul Trasimeno and Vallo di Nera.

TO Perugia there are five candidates for mayor with 19 lists in support: Davide Baiocco (Forza Perugia, Alternativa Riformista – Italexit), Leonardo Caponi (Pci Perugia against war and neoliberalism), Vittoria Ferdinandi (Perugia Public Health, 5 Star Movement, Anima Perugia, Orchestra for Victory, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Democratic Party, Pensa Perugia), Massimo Monni (Perugia Merita) and Margherita Scoccia (Progetto Perugia, Lega, Fare Perugia con Romizi – Forza Italia, Perugia Civica, Fratelli d’Italia, Futuro Giovani, UDC -Union of the Centre, Perugia Amica).

The second largest city in Umbria to vote is Foligno with the outgoing mayor Stefano Zuccarini (Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Più in alto – Foligno civica and Stefano Zuccarini mayor) who will be challenged by Mauro Masciotti (Pd, Five Star Movement, Foligno in comune, Patto x Foligno, Foligno tomorrow, Foligno 2030), Enrico Presilla (Popular alternative, Civil commitment, For Foligno) and Moreno Finamonti (The voice of Foligno).

TO Bastia Umbra the outgoing mayor Paola Lungarotti (Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia) will be challenged by Catia Degli Esposti (centre-right Civic Coalition), Erigo Pecci (centre-left Campo Largo) and Matteo Santoni (Alternativa Popolare).

Three-way race Marsciano where the outgoing mayor Francesca Mele (centre-right) seeks reconfirmation threatened by the centre-left candidate Michele Moretti and Sabatino Ranieri (Marsciano Civica and Marsciano Democratica-Environment, Health and Work).

There are six candidates for mayor Gubbio: Alessia Tasso (Free and Democrats, 5 Star Movement, Democratic Party, Italian Socialist Party-Eugubini Socialists), Vittorio Fiorucci (Gubbio civica-Fiorucci mayor, Club Millennials, League, Brothers of Italy, Forza Italia), Rocco Girlanda (Gubbio Democratica, Gubbio Viva, Rinascimento Eugubino, Baldinelli List-Alternative for Gubbio), Francesco Della Porta (Pci and For Common Goods), Leonardo Nafissi (Gubbio Città Futura, Gubbio Partecipa, Sinistra Possibile) and Gabriele Tognoloni (Cantiere Sociale-Sinistra Eugubina ).

TO Castiglione del Lago the outgoing mayor Matteo Burico (centre-left coalition formed by Progetto Democratico, Tempi NUovi – Popolari Uniti and Dialogo e Azione) is challenged by Paolo Brancaleoni (Civic List) and Filippo Vecchi (centre-right Coalition).

In the province of Terni, 21 municipalities will go to the polls: Acquasparta, Allerona, Alviano, Arrone, Baschi, Castel Viscardo, Fabro, Ficulle, Guardea, Lugnano in Teverina, Montecchio, Montefranco, Montegabbione, Monteleone d’Orvieto, Orvieto, Penna in Teverina, Polino, Porano, San Gemini, San Venanzo and Stroncone.

To Orvieto challenging the outgoing mayor Roberta Tardani (Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega, Noi Moderati and Umbria Civica) will be Stefano Biagioli (wide-centre-left camp supported by the Democratic Party, the M5S, AVS and a Civic list), Giordano Conticelli ( Nova Partecipa and Nova Cambia), Roberta Palazzetti (Civic Proposal and Cities in Movement).

The counting of the vote for the European Parliament will begin on Sunday 9 June immediately after the closing of voting operations while that for the local elections will begin on Monday 10 June at 2 pm.

Photo: Shutterstock

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