Basilica of Sant’Agata, the volume ‘The Cathedral of Catania – The silent detail’ was presented. Fiorenza: “A journey to discover invisible details” – BlogSicilia

The Basilicata of Sant’Agata di Catania, the beating heart of Etna’s faith and culture, was at the center of the presentation, last night, of the volume ‘The Cathedral of Catania – The silent detail’, the result of research by the art historian and regional inspector of Cultural Heritage Nicolò Fiorenza. A valuable work that follows two other publications, ‘Ancone Rinascimentali in Sicilia’ and ‘Messina Città Perduta’, which aim to enhance the rich Sicilian cultural heritage through aspects that are new to most people. The book, presented in the Cathedral in the presence of HE Mons. Luigi Renna, Metropolitan Archbishop of Catania, who edited the preface, of Mons. Barbaro Scionti, parish priest of the Cathedral, of Enrico Trantino, mayor of Catania, of Donatella Aprile, Superintendent of the Cultural Heritage of Catania, and Gianfranco Pappalardo, head of the Scarlatti Cultural Institute and professor of musical theoretical disciplines at the State Conservatory of Palermo, led the audience on a fascinating journey through the little-known details of the works of art preserved inside.

“I am very happy that today Nicolò Fiorenza’s research is being delivered to all of you – said Monsignor Luigi Renna – An in-depth study, rich in bibliography, but at the same time agile. The result of his research and also the result of a comparison with archive images, which the author went to research, and which allows us to compare the ancient Cathedral with today’s one. The silent detail because detail, especially in a religious work, is always important. The works – continued the Metropolitan Archbishop of Catania – that we have are unique works and some are truly stupendous, like that of Suppa, which we find on the cover, the mission that Saint Peter entrusts to Saint Beryllus, showing him the road to Catania, or like our Chapel of Sant’Agata. The detail is silent because it does not speak to the eye of the distracted person, it needs contemplation, it needs to linger. He is silent, but he speaks. And who allows him to speak? Who does research. And Nicolò Fiorenza – concluded Mons. Renna – allows them to speak by telling their story, their clients”.

Silent details that continue to amaze those who work inside the Cathedral every day. “This book – explained Monsignor Barbaro Scionti, parish priest of the Basilica of Sant’Agata – highlights what we who work inside the Cathedral actually experience on a daily basis. There is a silent detail, the subtitle of the study, which emerges every time we approach the details. Having lived here for quite a few years now, I can say that every day I am amazed at the details that emerge. The author – he concludes – I believe that he has above all this merit, that of helping us enter into the most beautiful details of our Cathedral”. The event, organized by the Alessandro Scarlatti Italian Cultural Institute, obtained the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, the regional department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity, the Sicilian Regional Assembly, the Municipality of Catania and the Archdiocese of Catania. “These are volumes that help us a lot – commented the architect. Donatella Aprile – They help us who operate in the area and who work on monuments to understand them more. Through research and with the help of volumes of this importance, also rich in images and well edited, our assets can also be disclosed to non-experts. Our job is to complete a work, to restore as many monuments as possible, but also – concluded the Superintendent of Cultural Heritage of Catania – to disseminate them above all to young people, to future generations”.

The book is the result of careful research born at the time of the author’s training and matured today in an itinerary that aims to involve the reader and push him to a more aware and attentive vision of the Cathedral of Catania. “The silent detail is what is potentially visible to everyone’s eyes but which is actually unknown to most – explained Nicolò Fiorenza – This volume is an itinerary through all the masterpieces that are hidden inside the Cathedral, from paintings to sculptures , without neglecting the best known ones, such as the Chapel of Sant’Agata. I then analyze the important history of the reconstruction of the Cathedral – continues the author – also showing unpublished photos of how the place of worship looked before the restorations of the 1920s and 1950s. The Cathedral of Catania is the temple of the greatest faith, where it all began when Saint Peter sent Saint Beryl to take on the role of first Bishop. Art and history intertwine in a square that is one of the most beautiful stages in Italy. Giving further value to this magnificent Cathedral – concludes Fiorenza – with all its centuries behind it, was a necessary action”.

Place: Cathedral of Sant’Agata, CATANIA, CATANIA, SICILY

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