melancholy empty spaces. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

melancholy empty spaces. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
melancholy empty spaces. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
June 7, 2024 Andrea Bassi

The panels installed by law were minimally used. A mode of propaganda replaced by social media and considered less and less effective by political forces. Over 8,500 euros spent by the Municipality of Reggio for the scoreboards, only half of which was reimbursed by the State

REGGIO EMILIA – In the period before the elections they make their appearance, becoming part of the street furniture. The galvanized rectangles intended for posting are provided for by a 1956 law.

An increasingly anachronistic presence, however, perhaps capable of touching those who are older, due to the ability of the scoreboards to evoke memories. For the younger generations, however, it is likely that they are objects that are not well identified. It’s the fault, as we know, of the new means of communication. In the era of social media, propaganda travels mainly on mobile phones. And the eye often falls on the screens of the devices even when you are on the street, perhaps while walking next to a row of electoral panels, we repeat, increasingly devoid of slogans and big faces.

The political forces have understood this, and have in fact reduced their investments in this propaganda channel. The installation of the planks, however, remained mandatory with the usual diffusion of the past. The capital municipality, for example, spends over 8,500 euros to assemble them and divide the spaces by assigning them to the running lists. The cost is only half borne by the state.

The locations of the installations always remain the same over the years. It also happens in Cavriago, in the industrial area of ​​Corte Tegge. Although the Cir canteen has moved to new premises not far from here since 2019, the panels have been fixed in front of the entrance to the building which once served as a restaurant but which is now abandoned. The result is surreal: on one side, in the middle of a deserted car park, remnants of posters dating back to previous elections appear; on the opposite side, only one panel out of five hosts the posters of the ongoing campaigns for European and Administrative elections.

Reggio Emilia election posters billboards 2024 local elections

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