From Region 2.5 million to Its. “Enhance our training”

From Region 2.5 million to Its. “Enhance our training”
From Region 2.5 million to Its. “Enhance our training”

2.5 million coming from the Region to finance new Higher Technological Education (ITS) courses: among these also the ITS for new technologies for Made in Italy in Spezia. The La Spezia academy was among those awarded for its courses in the last three years. Among the graduates of the last two years surveyed, 39 in total from two different courses related to the mechanical, naval and shipbuilding sectors, 32 are already employed. The resources, from the European Social Fund+ 2021-2027, have the aim of strengthening and expanding high professional training which, in the case of La Spezia, for over 90% of those enrolled is synonymous with work once the courses have finished. The 2.5 million will be added to the over 20.4 million deriving from the Pnrr for the three-year period 2023/2026 and the approximately 1.4 million deriving from the national fund dedicated to ITS. In total, therefore, the six Its Academies in Liguria will have around 10.8 million euros available for the current year alone. “Our ITS represent excellence at an Italian level, despite this the declared will has always been to not stop and continue to improve where we have found deficiencies – says the regional councilor for training Marco Scajola – With these funds we want to strengthen and expand the educational paths provided by the Its”. Specifically, the La Spezia course, linked to the world of Made in Italy and the shipbuilding sector, “is constantly growing and offers 5 courses of absolute value. 90% of those who finish the ITS find work in the province of Spezia or in the surrounding ones within one year after the end of the process. We are convinced that we can further increase these percentages thanks to the resources of the ESF, the extraordinary ones of the Pnrr and those of the National Fund”. In detail, with the 2.5 million allocated, an invitation is officially opened, addressed to the 6 academies in Liguria, to present ITS courses. The aim is to be able to finance at least 8 new ones by inserting 180 young people into training courses.

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